Your weapon and settings


New Member
whats ur fav wep?

this is more based on my curiosity but wanted to know if anyone used the famas and what settings that they find works the best. Rapid settings or the whole setup that they use, Also was going to ask if anyone wanted to post their gun of choice and the settings they like the best. I am sure some people have had their controller alot longer then me and have find the rapid speed setting that best fits their game style and gun choice. I am still trying to find the setting that i like the best. So far i use one manual programed speed setting for rapid fire on my fal i believe its slightly higher then the default mode 1, and use the burst mode with 5 bullets, I believe could be wrong not looking at it currently but just wanted to get this post off so maybe later i can see everyone's rapid setting speed of their choice with the guns. I use the famas with hardened still, even after the nerf but cant seem to get a good speed set for it. Thanks

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