Recent content by KyleH

  1. K

    Battlefield Hardline!

    For fastest firing rate
  2. K

    Battlefield Hardline!

    What is the best speed for the saiga and socom?
  3. K

    Halo Runes?

    It works pretty good.. Had it mess up several times, but it's definatly better than what we've seen so far. Here is a thought for you guys... So the BXR (or on bump and jump RB,B,R) only works when you have a full clip/magazine. I believe we should find a way around this considering we have...
  4. K

    Halo Runes?

    Is there a working 6 shot? That works consistently 100 % of the time? On a tac switch?
  5. K

    problem loading pack on atom

    when I try to manually download the runepack, I get this: { "error": "other_undefined", "reason": "Data inconsistency, first point must be at start of plot. (RightTrigger data from 52 to 57)", "dbg_stack": "Error: Data inconsistency, first point must be at start of plot. (RightTrigger data from...
  6. K

    problem loading pack on atom

    Im still having the same problem with trying to load my runepack onto my controller... Says "cant download pack from viking forge server"
  7. K

    problem loading pack on atom

    i have a pack that i have been working on for a week or so, and have all the settings how i want. Now when i try to load it to my controller, it says "couldnt download pack from Viking Forge Server". I was testing out a Doubleshot mod that i am working on, and put the playback on"A", and now I...
  8. K

    Battlefield Hardline Beta!

    Oh yea man, I just couldn't believe how many guns were in the beta.. I was amazed, and quite frankly in disbelief when I first realized the number of guns. Then all of the sudden, my alarm went off, so I got up, turned on battlefield hardline, and realized that the number of primarys I can...
  9. K

    Doubleshot 6 Shot is Here

    I did in the rune description lol. Thanks and no prob
  10. K

    Doubleshot 6 Shot is Here

    I Uploaded my rune for the 6 shot. look on the public forge. What do you guys think?
  11. K

    download problems on Forge

    im having same problem.
  12. K

    Halo MCC Runes

    i gotta give you props charles. that rune is the sickest one ive seen... the best i could get is for my rune to work like ~50% of the time. this one works about 95%, which is definatly something to be proud of. il tweak with it for a little while and see if i can make it 6 shot.(not that its a...
  13. K

    Halo MCC Runes

  14. K

    Halo MCC Runes

    alright cool man thanks. when you get home?
  15. K

    Halo MCC Runes

    lol can you post a video/picture of the rune? like on the timeline screen please