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    ::: Record Macro then view button layout in Time Line Editor?

    Is it possible to record a move or play in the game (say a 10 sec. segment) then open it up in the Timeline Editor and see the button sequence of your play visually? (Only asking b/c I haven't got my controller in the mail yet to see for myself.)

    Sleight of Hand Speed's

    When using the "Speed Reload Macro" with SOH as one of you perks does it make the reload time faster than the "Speed Reload Macro" without SOH as one of you perks. Just wondering as I haven't gotten my controller in the mail yet and can't test/see for myself.

    ::: Zombie Players :::

    Looking to get some people who are interested in playing Zombies. It would be nice to see what the V360 can do with all for players having a macro controller in one match. If you interested post you GT below and if I'm not on then it will enable you to hook up with others who are interested.

    "S-Hand" or "No S-Hand"?

    Hi, I was just wondering what "S-Hand" or "No S-Hand" means and what does it change? I'm new sorry.