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  1. D

    COD 7

    you forgot the shinook
  2. D

    Mod Mode?

    sorrry didnt know:/ im a noob at this website
  3. D

    Mod Mode?

    So i was looking around and i am going to buy a controller and have read alot of threadsabout the jitter mode being (x,y) or (x,y,y) so i went into a match a tried this myself and seemed to have created some sort of fake fire glitch where i can shoot my intervent or any pump or bolt gun really...
  4. D

    COD 7

    Well just to clear a few thing up that isnt the m4 it may possibly be the kar-15 like he said or the colt commando which was an earlier version of the m16...and the reason the ak is in mw2 is because it is a very reliable gun and cheapp so it is still primarily used by the less funded...