27.40sps FAL


New Member
Nice video, and thanks for giving me my credit lol. I think this will clear a lot of questions up for new people to Viking. I'm glad it works for you and if anyone can find a faster speed, please post it up here. BTW, u said my name right, but if it's easier you can say "Coop"

A couple other finds I have:

Use 50 sps with the M21
MW2 Preset for akimbo pistols (M9, USP, Deagle, Mag) - For some reason it works better with akimbos

Xx Binno xX

New Member
Yes I have noticed that the mw2 original preset works the best for akimbo mode and your welcome lol. I plan on making tuts on how to download and install the presets on to the controllers for the new people that join. I know E has made some but I'm make some as well just to clear up question that people might have.


Active Member
XxbinnoxX said:
Yes I have noticed that the mw2 original preset works the best for akimbo mode and your welcome lol. I plan on making tuts on how to download and install the presets on to the controllers for the new people that join. I know E has made some but I'm make some as well just to clear up question that people might have.
actually 27.40 works better.....the reason why is because the akimbo guns usually studder with 13.80 or the default so it makes it feel faster than 27.40 because 27.40 doesn't studder.

Xx Binno xX

New Member
M1A1 You can not have the akimbo mode set as a custom rapid fire speed that's the only problem. I wanted to talk to E about putting that into the hex editor but he hasn't been on the forums. Maybe if you have some communication with him you could tell him to add it.


Active Member
XxbinnoxX said:
M1A1 You can not have the akimbo mode set as a custom rapid fire speed that's the only problem. I wanted to talk to E about putting that into the hex editor but he hasn't been on the forums. Maybe if you have some communication with him you could tell him to add it.
no its already in there
slot 1 rapidfire 27.40
slot 2 AKIMBO MODE......

just turn both slot 1 and 2 on and slot 1 gives 27.40 rapidfire and slot 2 gives akimbo mode

Xx Binno xX

New Member
ok i got ya but it would be easier if akimbo mode has a custom speed that you can set. I'll give it a try but i got lucky my grandma bought this internet wireless service for $9 for 1 week but I didn't bring my xbox bridging the connections would slow my computer down a hell of a lot. i get 1-11mbs on this this i barely havee signal lol. But when i get home ill try it and I have to post my quick scope video. And ill make a video of this akimbo mode. I'm going to ask E if i can start making video for him for viking but I haven't talked to him or seen him online but this is another day.


Active Member
XxbinnoxX said:
ok i got ya but it would be easier if akimbo mode has a custom speed that you can set. I'll give it a try but i got lucky my grandma bought this internet wireless service for $9 for 1 week but I didn't bring my xbox bridging the connections would slow my computer down a hell of a lot. i get 1-11mbs on this this i barely havee signal lol. But when i get home ill try it and I have to post my quick scope video. And ill make a video of this akimbo mode. I'm going to ask E if i can start making video for him for viking but I haven't talked to him or seen him online but this is another day.

slot 1


slot 2

akimbo mode

so you would just switch slot one modes

Xx Binno xX

New Member
No I'm saying when you chose akimbo mode right? next to it there is a value? but its not in use. you can just put the custom speed in there. just like if you selected rapid fire custom you can chose the value. Thats what it should be like for akimbo mode. i tried uploading a pic but the internet im on sucks


Active Member
XxbinnoxX said:
No I'm saying when you chose akimbo mode right? next to it there is a value? but its not in use. you can just put the custom speed in there. just like if you selected rapid fire custom you can chose the value. Thats what it should be like for akimbo mode. i tried uploading a pic but the internet im on sucks
that wouldnt be possible because all akimbo mode is there for is it basically links the two triggers together