Xx Binno xX

New Member
I've been looking around for some 30awg wire and only radio shack.com has it and i don't like buying online. Is there a store that carries it?


Active Member
XxbinnoxX said:
I've been looking around for some 30awg wire and only radio shack.com has it and i don't like buying online. Is there a store that carries it?
radio shack retail store. im sure hobby stores carry it also


Useful Poster
I've heard that radioshacks 30awg wire isn't that good also. On the forums someone was saying that radioshacks wire has a coating on the wire that makes it hard to solder with


Active Member
Why do you need 30AWG wire??

Sound's like this thread should be in the DIY forum with the 30 other one's just like it..... Either Binno you move it soon, or I will be deleting it soon......


Active Member
Jonny said:
XxbinnoxX said:
a website?
here...............800 posts! whoopee!

792 im seeing..

I got mine from a local family owned shop at the end of our high street. Check around your town, you should find a place..
Yea I deleted some posts and I got 30 feet of AWG at a hobby shop a town over...that hobby shop sells model trains and stuff like that

Xx Binno xX

New Member
Well i found that one the radio shack by me has some in stock so ill be heading there Tuesday. and I'm going to try to get the mod chip soon if my friend lets me use his his paypal.

modded matt

Active Member
radio shack stores carry two types of 30guage wire. one with enamel coating called magnet wire (dont use this) and the second is called wrapping wire, this will work. however it is cheap and tends to break, you need to get acustomed to buying online it is the future.


Active Member
I think that radio shack mostly carries cheap stuff...your better off going somewhere else like where I did they carry wire that's better quality than the radio shack wire anyway.

Xx Binno xX

New Member
i would like to buy online but my only problem is i dont own a credit card. well im getting 50ft of the wire for 3.99 so ill be ok.


Active Member
XxbinnoxX said:
i would like to buy online but my only problem is i dont own a credit card. well im getting 50ft of the wire for 3.99 so ill be ok.
just because the wire is cheap doesnt mean its good.....acutually quite the opposite