A few questions

The RPG Sniper

New Member
Alright so anyway, im new here to the forums (as you will figure out in the rest of this post) and i have come here looking for some advice. Ive got a nice fat paycheck sitting in the bank and ive decided im going to buy a mod controller. From the research ive done around the internet, viking seems to be a hell of a deal.

All that being said, ive got a few questions for everyone who has had experience with these controllers.

1. How easy are they to clean? As in, if i take it apart to clean some gunk out of the sticks will i have to be super careful because of the mod chip etc?

2. From what ive read the thors hammer has some issues with de-syncing. Is this an actual issue or just people being stupid and holding the sync button too long?

3. Is the raven really worth that extra cash? If i buy a viking, it will be the hammer or the raven. Im having a hard time deciding if the extra buttons are worth it.

4. How is the build quality? Are there generally a lot of issues in the long term with solder coming loose or cracking etc?

I apologize if these have been answered before, i searched and not much came up.


Hi Sniper, I'll answer your questions to the best I can :)

How easy are they to clean? As in, if i take it apart to clean some gunk out of the sticks will i have to be super careful because of the mod chip etc?

We do not recommend taking your controller apart at all, it will void the warranty. However if you do decide to take it apart you need to be careful of wire's pinching when you close it back up and if it's a raven you will need to be careful of the tact switches which are glued to the back shell.

From what ive read the thors hammer has some issues with de-syncing. Is this an actual issue or just people being stupid and holding the sync button too long?

Well, as long as you only click the sync button it will be fine, but yes some people press it too long causing it to sync.

Is the raven really worth that extra cash? If i buy a viking, it will be the hammer or the raven. Im having a hard time deciding if the extra buttons are worth it.

I would definitely say the Raven is worth the money, it's so much easier to use!

How is the build quality? Are there generally a lot of issues in the long term with solder coming loose or cracking etc?

Only a small percentage of controllers develop faults, but as long as you still have warrenty, they will repair your controller free of charge (as long as you haven't opened it).

Let me know if you have any more questions.

Xx Binno xX

New Member
Let me try to help you out as well
How easy are they to clean? As in, if i take it apart to clean some gunk out of the sticks will i have to be super careful because of the mod chip etc?

like Ben said don take it apart because it will void the warranty. You can buy a DIY(do it yourself) kit if you are good at soldering. But if you buy a controller you can take it apart if you know what you are doing.

From what ive read the thors hammer has some issues with de-syncing. Is this an actual issue or just people being stupid and holding the sync button too long?

The de-syncing isnt that bad of an issue I had a thors and it de-synced alot but the controller i had was used and in bad condition. I just got a new controller when i got my new xbox and i was testin the sync button and it doesnt de-sync at all only if i hold for around 3 seconds.

Is the raven really worth that extra cash? If i buy a viking, it will be the hammer or the raven. Im having a hard time deciding if the extra buttons are worth it.

The raven is really worth the extra cash if you can afford it. I sold my thors and bought a raven right away. and I haven't had a problem and I don't think I will.

How is the build quality? Are there generally a lot of issues in the long term with solder coming loose or cracking etc?

I only had a problem with my thors because i got the controller from my friend who doesn't take care of things and I sent it in to get modded when I should of just bought a new one. It wasn't the modder's fought at all it was the controller because it was just a piece of shit and it was really dirty and it wasn't holding the solder down because of the dirty. I sent in another controller to get the raven installation and I've haven't had a problem and I don't think I'm going to. IF you want to send in a controller Fredrow is the modder you want. he also sells custom controllers.

The RPG Sniper

New Member
Alright guys thanks for all the answers. I guess as far as the cleaning goes im just wondering if all the extra buttons and wires would make it drastically more difficult? Also isnt the warranty around 3 months? I cant imagine i would have to take it apart to clean it before that time. I guess thats my real concern, that the sticks/buttons will get all gunked up and worn out and then i will have this nice controller with messed up sticks haha.

EDIT: Whats the deal with this new valhalla mod chip im hearing about? If its coming out soon maybe id be better off waiting till then.


Well you could always send it to Me or Fredrow if you wanted it cleaned without risking a breakage.. I certainly wouldn't charge much for it.

The Vahalla chip is quite sceptical at this moment in time, I think its about 2 months away from release (If they are on schedule).

The RPG Sniper

New Member
Ben. said:
Well you could always send it to Me or Fredrow if you wanted it cleaned without risking a breakage.. I certainly wouldn't charge much for it.

The Vahalla chip is quite sceptical at this moment in time, I think its about 2 months away from release (If they are on schedule).

Yeah im pretty familiar with the insides and cleaning etc. You guys wouldnt happen to do send in stuff like replacing sticks or anything would you? Ill probably start messing around with some old junky controllers doing stuff like that but it would be nice to have a way to replace the sticks on a viking after they get all worn out without risking it.


New Member
It wouldnt be worth all the hassle to ship and everything, they r really cheap sticks u baically open it put the old ones off put it in, and be very careful with the wires

The RPG Sniper

New Member
thejld said:
It wouldnt be worth all the hassle to ship and everything, they r really cheap sticks u baically open it put the old ones off put it in, and be very careful with the wires

Thats what i was thinking, i just looked at it and it looks simple enough. I think i might go try and find some replacements online and make one of my controllers useful again haha. As of now im pretty much sold on the viking.


A macro is a button combo that can be played back easily. Fast reloads would definatly be classed as a macro, along with plenty of other stuff on the viking. It's usually talked about more on the PC, it's easily done with small, even free programs. As for the send in stick swaps, they will do it, it's just a matter of the price.


New Member
As for the Thor vs Raven, I'd like to chip in my 2 cents. I bought a Ravin a few months ago, and i love it. Besides the reprograming whenever you want or need to, the killer price, these great forums, and our own preset maker, the two tact switches on the Ravin really make a difference! Say you are using an automatic weapon or a hold-to-fire laser, and a player on the other team starts to shoot at you. You can swap to your trusty pistol and quickly tap the tact switch, thus turning a helpless target into a lethal force capable of holding his or her ground and then some.