A question about memory...


New Member
odingalt said:
I think at most you can assign one tac switch per LED. If you assign Tac 1 and Tac 2 to LED1, and Tac 1's color is blue/on or off/off, And Tac 2's color is red/on or off/off, then what happens when Tac 1 and Tac 2 are both on? Purple? lol

Ok so if you can only assign one tac switch per LED then what is going to happen now when I get my controller? How will I know what modes are on even without the suggested changes? I was only suggesting that the tac switches colors would blink one after the other while they are activated to indicate which mode is on. So each mode would have a single color and share the player space with one other tac switch, and would then blink on/off. So the instance you described the LED1 would blink blue-red-blue-red etc when both are turned on. Does this make sense?


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Kamikazekid said:
odingalt said:
I think at most you can assign one tac switch per LED. If you assign Tac 1 and Tac 2 to LED1, and Tac 1's color is blue/on or off/off, And Tac 2's color is red/on or off/off, then what happens when Tac 1 and Tac 2 are both on? Purple? lol

Ok so if you can only assign one tac switch per LED then what is going to happen now when I get my controller? How will I know what modes are on even without the suggested changes? I was only suggesting that the tac switches colors would blink one after the other while they are activated to indicate which mode is on. So each mode would have a single color and share the player space with one other tac switch, and would then blink on/off. So the instance you described the LED1 would blink blue-red-blue-red etc when both are turned on. Does this make sense?

Let me start over at the beginning and sort of build on the story of the software. This will help me get my bearings straight.

On the legacy hex editor, there are basically two slots - Slot A and Slot B. Each slot can be scrolled through independently using a tac switch, and each slot is indicated using a single LED. And since there are only two tac switches, and only two LED's, it made sense to allow for only two slots. This did limit some people who wanted more than two modes turned on at the same time (sniper mode, plus akimbo mode, plus rapidfire for example).

With six tac switches we can increase the number of Slots, but it seems more natural to increase to four slots because we only have four LED's. So now we have Slot A, B, C, and D. Which means you can independently toggle on or off four different macros. But this still limits customers who want to have more than four modes turned on at the same time.

However, this doesn't mean that you can't assign macros to the tactile switches and leave them 'always on'. For example, why not assign quick noscope to right tac 6. So rather than having to toggle it on, fire, and toggle it off, you just hit right tac 6 when you want to call up the quick noscope? We put six tac switches on this controller, hoping customers would use 'always on' macros more often, rather than toggling things on and off all the time.

Another option to get more modes: go to the timeline editor, and combine some of the features into a single macro to be turned on and off together. I.e., instead of having sniper mode and akimbo mode as separate modes, it might make more sense to combine them into SniperMode+AkimboMode as one macro.


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Another way to use the macros on The Viking that wasn't really possible on the Raven: using the tactile switches in the same way that the Shift key is used on your keyboard. When you hit the letter 'a', it puts 'a' on the screen. Hold shift and hit the letter 'a', and it puts capital 'A' on the screen. You can have rapidfire enable this way. Pull the right trigger, and you get a single shot. Hold down the left tac switch as your "shift key", pull the right trigger to get rapidfire, release the left tac switch and firing goes back to normal... you could program the left tac switch to override any LED or LED's that you want - so you could turn the whole ROL red while rapidfire is 'shifted on', and the ROL will go back to its previous state when rapidfire is 'shifted off'.

In some cases I think a "shift key" will improve you k/d ratio because you aren't fiddling with toggling on/off. Have you ever gone to blast somebody, only to look down and realize you forgot to turn rapidfire on? :D


Quckly made this as an example of what you could do to tell what modes you have on.

^^Keep watching the bottom circle, and it will change.^^

Ig you have 3 modes on then it does the same, just with 3 different sets and the same when you have more modes turned on.

The glow lasts for 3 seconds on this.

Does this make any more sense now?


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Ok, so what you are saying in your example is Tac Switch #1 is assigned to scroll through 4 modes. The 4 modes, in order, are off (no LED's), sniper mode (green-blue-red-yellow), rapidfire mode (yellow-blue-green-red), akimbo mode (red-yellow-blue-blue), and perfect reload (blue-green-yellow-red).

What happens if I assign Tac Switch #2 to scroll through 2 modes: quickscope (blue,blue,green,green) and dropshot (red,red,purple,purple). All four LED's are already being used up by Tac Switch #1. I don't understand how Tac Switch #2's modes can be seen, if the LED's are already being controlled by Tac Switch #1.

So in my example, what does it look like when I scroll tac#1 to sniper mode, and tac#2 to dropshot, so that both sniper mode and dropshot are turned on at the same time?


As i said that was only an example so that could have been 1 mode on each tac switch but then you put it how you mean, if all of that is on 1 tac switch, you could make it so there is only 1 led per tac switch although this then limits you to 4 tac switches at a time.

wow this is really getting confusing now..


You know, the raven controlled 2 lights, and they blinked when stuff was on... Well what if each light could indicate being on by blinking, and changing colours? You could have the page colour, then each light blinks to show slots A-D being on, and they flash say purple (Vikings signature colour) every other flash when E-H are on. I think 8 slots should be plenty! how many do you really need? And you could use a shift button to double up the tacs. Tac one is shift, and slot A cycles with tac 2, B 3, C 4, D 5, E 6, F shift (1) and 2 and so on... Just a thought. Might be a little less confusing than Jonny's plan.


New Member
PS3andCOD said:
You know, the raven controlled 2 lights, and they blinked when stuff was on... Well what if each light could indicate being on by blinking, and changing colours? You could have the page colour, then each light blinks to show slots A-D being on, and they flash say purple (Vikings signature colour) every other flash when E-H are on. I think 8 slots should be plenty! how many do you really need? And you could use a shift button to double up the tacs. Tac one is shift, and slot A cycles with tac 2, B 3, C 4, D 5, E 6, F shift (1) and 2 and so on... Just a thought. Might be a little less confusing than Jonny's plan.

I agree, I like your picture Jonny but it seems a bit confusing. I really like your idea PS3, though I still think that individual colors would be better so you can better keep track of them, so A-D would each have their own color and would be spread through player 1 (A and B modes go here) and player 2 (C and D modes go here) slots, blinking with their assigned color. Then the same with E-H (but put on player 3 and 4). Then when you use a shift it would over ride one of the quadrant's lights with something else.


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Staff member
I go back to my post about midway up. You'll get to control four slots. Each slot must be indicated on a single LED, and be assigned to a single tac switch.

That leaves you two more tac switches to either assign a second page, or assign two 'always on' macros.

If four toggled slots and two 'always on' macros aren't enough, you can assign more 'always on' macros to the other stock buttons.

If that's still not enough, you'll have to hit up the timeline editor and start combining two different features into one (i.e. like combining sniper mode with akimbo mode).

We will release an autoupdate to the software sometime within the first two weeks of October to introduce the mode selection stuff, including more control ove rthe LED colors. This is based on the user input since there seems to be an aversion to using the pages lol.


I don't see anything wrong with the pages... Sounds organized. I was just trying to sugest something others might like. Lol, then again I'm not a custumer at this point, hopefully in the future.


New Member
Yeah I second what PS3 is saying that the pages are cool, but would it be possible to use the "shift" function of the controller to change pages? It would be easy to hold a tac button and press B to change pages, and I think that would be the way I would do it too, if I had the option.