Assigning Two Macros To A Single Tac?


New Member
Let me just start off by saying that the Viking360 Macro controllers are amazing!

The macro controllers allow me to do just about anything i want it to do.. Except one thing that just recently came to mind,
the ability to assign two different macros to a single tac switch.

The thought came to mind after wanting to assign a basic rapid fire to the right trigger, AND assign an akimbo rapid fire to the right trigger, without switching to a new macro page.
I only thought of this because i generally try to have as few pages as possible, while keeping each page, game specific to each game that i play.

I know there are 6 tacs on the controller that can be used for assigning macros, but they are all being used for other things.

I was thinking of something like this, Lets say there are two macros assigned to the right trigger, and toggled on and off by the right tac1. And switching to the 2nd macro would be a tap or hold of the right tac1.
This reminded me of the Legacy controllers, by which you would hold the tac switch to change to the next mode on that tac.

This was just an idea i had, it would be very convenient to have this ability, to be able to swap macros on the fly without changing pages. But its probably not possible, is it?

Either way, i will always be a loyal Viking360 supporter =]
And a huge thanks for any replies on this.

Sgt Jax Mehoff

Useful Poster
This isn't possible with this controller as of now, I don't know if it could be added on with a firmware update though. Would be really cool to have though.


Make 2 identicle pages, then make the second page have the akimbo instead of normal rapidfire. Use a tac to switch between the 2 pages. As long as you were using one page before it works fine I would think...


you can try to record it in the same macro and then edit it in the time line editor but if the macro is to long i think it wont work and every thing will freeze im just guessing


Active Member
Why not do it then? It would be a great update/feature to have...

1. Cost. Very expensive to code the software. So expensive. We just don't have the budget for it - and the macro controller is nearly sold out. We just can't afford to pay for the coding. Maybe in the future!