Best SPS to set for FAL

dude seriously? this question is asked and answered like 5 times in the forums. do a little research and you'll find your answer in about 5 mins


New Member
SOCCERdude said:
dude seriously? this question is asked and answered like 5 times in the forums. do a little research and you'll find your answer in about 5 mins

hey dude get off my cock


New Member
27.40 is faster than 13.80 and doesn't skip (unless the game is lagging). I recommend that everyone tries it :p


Active Member
JeremyC95 said:
I used 27.40 and it's better than the preset speed but I have notice with m9s it isn't as good as the preset
the preset is slower....and you have asked this three times...i hate to sound like a d i c k but you really need to figure out a speed that works for you and stop spamming the forums with the same question