Bottom Left Tac Switch Broken

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New Member
So I've had my Macro Controller for over a year and have not had any huge problems with it. I play a lot so it gets quite a bit of use. On my controller the bottom left tac switch was working like it normally would and it would like stick out great and as soon as it would be pushed it would work. In the middle of a game I go to press it and as soon as a press it in I heard a little click come from it and now it slides in and out before it does anything. I also have to like press it super far into the controller before the macro even starts. Is there a way I can send this in and get it fixed or should I just try to take apart the controller and fix it myself?


ModdingBros Leader
Do not take it apart! As far as I know Viking will repair tac switches even after warranty. Try making a support ticket and just explain what you did here or link them to this forums.
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