Burned out LEDs


New Member
Hi guys. I've been a faithful Viking user for about 2 years now. I love my macro controller and it's been the only controller I use since the day I got it. Recently after returning for my second year of college my controller LEDs began dying (not dimming or anything like the usual low battery problems). I noticed as they slowly turned off after use that there was a significant smoky smell coming from the controller from the top where the battery pack meets the controller. After noticing this I stopped using my controller for about 2 weeks. Now when I use it there is no LED display at all BUT the controller still is connected to my Xbox leading me to believe that the chip is good but the LED's are dead or the wires burned up. I've tried using different battery sets, Rechargeable Regular, and even the Plug - N - Play adapter but nothing resolves changes. The Xbox still turns on and tells me the controller is connected so thats all good. I was just posting this in Tech Support seeing if there is anyway I can send it in and get the LEDs replaced or whatever the actual problem is sorted out. I have kept great care of the thing so theres no spills that could have gotten in the inside or anything just normal paint wear on the grips and body. Hopefully I've provided enough information about the problem I'm having as it's pretty self explanatory. I've never had any significant problems in the almost two years I've had the thing so I would love to get it fixed up. Thanks.

- Titan


ModdingBros Leader
Hey man definitely sounds like a hardware problem however it's a good sign that your controller connects to the console. The macro controller uses a led board separate of what the controller comes stock with so this board inside could of very well burnt out. I would make a support ticket and since it's not under warranty the standard fee is 50 dollars plus shipping. Once they get the controller they will investigate your problem and send you a quote on how much it will be to fix it. Hope you get it figured out man.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Good gracious that sounds pretty dramatic. I'll keep an eye on the ticket, hoping they can try replacing the LED flex board at the shop. Could be bad LED board but modchip still good.

Hi guys. I've been a faithful Viking user for about 2 years now. I love my macro controller and it's been the only controller I use since the day I got it. Recently after returning for my second year of college my controller LEDs began dying (not dimming or anything like the usual low battery problems). I noticed as they slowly turned off after use that there was a significant smoky smell coming from the controller from the top where the battery pack meets the controller. After noticing this I stopped using my controller for about 2 weeks. Now when I use it there is no LED display at all BUT the controller still is connected to my Xbox leading me to believe that the chip is good but the LED's are dead or the wires burned up. I've tried using different battery sets, Rechargeable Regular, and even the Plug - N - Play adapter but nothing resolves changes. The Xbox still turns on and tells me the controller is connected so thats all good. I was just posting this in Tech Support seeing if there is anyway I can send it in and get the LEDs replaced or whatever the actual problem is sorted out. I have kept great care of the thing so theres no spills that could have gotten in the inside or anything just normal paint wear on the grips and body. Hopefully I've provided enough information about the problem I'm having as it's pretty self explanatory. I've never had any significant problems in the almost two years I've had the thing so I would love to get it fixed up. Thanks.

- Titan


New Member
Thanks a bunch guys. I'll be putting in the support ticket shortly. I haven't tried remembering what mods I had where to test if the mod chip is still working as I had to restore my Mac so I lost my BootCamp partition. Hopefully it's all still good to go. Thanks again!


ModdingBros Leader
Anytime man Im glad I could help. If you need anything else Im here! Hopefully you can get it figured out.