Call of Duty Elite Clan full of Viking 360 Members n Users of Macro Controllers Join!


If you are interested in joinging a clan for Modern Warfare 3 call of duty elite that is full of Vikign 360 Macro Contollers users private message me at Banned Salamito. Or leave your gamertag and I will send you a clan invite. The name of the clan is Team $.W.A.G NYC. Don't worry you do not need to be from NYC or live in NYC to be in the clan. We just want some good respectful players and if you are a Viking 360 user we are more than welcome to have you. We have many members including myself with Viking 360 controllers. We definitely know our stuff about macros so you can also ask any of us for some help. SO COME ON IN AND JOING WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!!! LETS PLAY!!!