Fast Reload Glitch


New Member
My fast reload glitch doesn't let me reload in multiplayer. i need to empty my whole clip to reload. but in private match it works fine. can anyone help?


New Member
Ok, it shouldnt be a difference between private and multi player. The problem may be if you play on a laggy connection. The delay might interfere with the timing just enough to make a difference. I know that sometimes my fast reload on my fal ends too soon on multiplayer as well. Try reload setting #5 and see if that works. It may noy be as precise on timing, but it should give at least some speed boost. If not let me know


New Member
it's not the timing i'm having problems with. it won't let me reload at all. i gotta wait till my whole clip is empty to do an auto reload. i can't reload my FAL after using half the clip.


New Member
Try feflashing your controller. It shouldnt make a difference whether your in multiplayer or not


New Member
ok so i reflashed it. and it's still doing the same thing :| i still can't reload when my clip is half way empty. only time it will reload is when i empty the whole clip


New Member
it might be your game honestly
the controller just pushes a sequence of buttons, so it would do the exact same thing in multiplayer as it would in a private match.

so if its not letting you reload untill you run out of ammo, it honestly sounds like a game glitch
maybe borrow a friends copy and try that?
or if you downloaded mw2 illegally that might be a problem too lol