Fast Reload With Aim...Possible?



I tried using a few of the fast reloads...all where for different guns and some kinda worked. I'll explain the 'kinda'. So for this example, I was testing the SCAR-L with NO Perk Slight Of Hand...and using a 'FastReloadMK14' macro. Now if I fire from the hip and hit the macro and does it pretty quick and was willing to accept it...but then I pulled the LT to aim and after shooting, while still holding the LT to AIM in on my target, I clicked the macro and it was back to being slow slow slow.

So, can someone please try and make it that even if you are holding down the LT, it will still fast reload. Also it can be for any fully auto gun. Thanks in advance.



New Member
The macro controller doesnt code the game, it just presses buttons for you in a precise order, so, by holding LT you are screwing with the order... I'd suggest just letting it go before reloading, and you can make fast reloads for ANY gun, but you'd have to MAKE them... As in set up the exact timing needed to cancel the reload at the right time, You can look for stats online of when each one is possible, and how much time you'll actually save
Other than that I've never made a fast reload macro and never used one, so you'd need someone with more experience in the field to assist you further


ModdingBros Leader
Hey I can try making on that auto aims for you however the reason it messes up is because of the run it has. The aim cancels out the run. However I can make a macro that quick reloads with the Trophy system.


yeah MJ or whomever....if you can make a fast reload so I dont have to use the perk would be great. This way I can free up that perk and use something else.



Yeah sorry MJ...I dont mean to add to your list...Lol. I will tell you this, I am trying to figure out on my own. So at some point, hopefully sooner then later, I will be right next to you....helping you with that list....haha



ModdingBros Leader
Haha yeah I hope so I think I have around 4-5 macros I need to work on soon I just cant keep up. I need like a drop box on my page for people to make requests. Actually thats a good idea, whoever wants the macro just posts it on my page. Would you be the first one to do that for me so I can keep up?