is the new site ready yet??


New Member

Just wondering if the new site is up and running yet? I got my ravin yesterday and need to download the drivers. Is there anywhere else i can download them while i am waiting? Thanks


New Member

I downloaded it all and installed it. went to install my custom settings in hex editer and now the bootloader is saying it does not recognise my usb. It happened after it reset/ erased device. what do i need to do???



New Member
i know this is out of nowhere but i wish i could trade in my old odins raven because alltogether it was like 230 $ and now the most amzing modded controller ever comes out and its cheaper than the old most amzing modded controller ever.


New Member
lunosla said:
i know this is out of nowhere but i wish i could trade in my old odins raven because alltogether it was like 230 $ and now the most amzing modded controller ever comes out and its cheaper than the old most amzing modded controller ever.
yeah, i know how you feel.
There's arn't any upgrades though. If viking360 did this, they would just lose a TON of money.


You should have no problem selling it for $50 to $100 to someone local who would have bought an ebay controller otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
obo said:
lunosla said:
i know this is out of nowhere but i wish i could trade in my old odins raven because alltogether it was like 230 $ and now the most amzing modded controller ever comes out and its cheaper than the old most amzing modded controller ever.
yeah, i know how you feel.
There's arn't any upgrades though. If viking360 did this, they would just lose a TON of money.

We USED to offer a send-in service. We struggled too much with customers trying to screw us over by sending us old, dirty, worn out and crappy controllers. Plus, because it was a send-in service, customers always feel like they should be saving money since they are sending in their controller and not buying a new one. Which is in reality opposite of what should happen - send in service should be more expensive. The fact is that the controller is a miniscule part of the cost of putting together a modded controller. Employee wages, overhead, equipment charges, rent, power, water, modchip production cost... none of these costs go away just because you sent in a $30 gamepad for a send-in service. And then when you send us a send-in service, we have to disassemble and clean your controller, replace any broken/worn parts (after all, aren't we expected to add an additional warranty to your old hardware for you?), clean the controller of popcorn/candy/sugar and all the other crap that you've been eating at your console while playing all day, remove any old modchips (get this, if it takes an hour to install a viking, how long does it take to remove and clean up one?), etc....

In reality, if we offered a send-in service, the price would actually be higher than buying a new controller and I personally wouldn't offer a warranty on it at all, because we have no idea of knowing what condition the controller is truly in.

Now it might be a little different if you *just* bought your raven, but we've seen kids spill popcorn button and generally destroy their controller in about 2 days of gameplay. It's a lot of the same reason we don't accept any returns on products, because the few times we've made exceptions and accepted returns, it turns out the customer destroyed the controller and there was no way for us to salvage it for re-sale, so we lost the money and the hardware and the time it took to install it.

Hope everyone can see where we are coming from. :) It's also the same reason we don't offer custom work - kids want to send in the fancy XCM shells and their gamepad and expect that it will be cheaper than a new mod, which is simply completely retarded - the XCM shells are crap and extremely difficult to install. If we offered an XCM send-in service, I would offer it for like $300 - customer supplies all parts.