MOAB with my MK14 plus ModdingBros Rapid fire.


ModdingBros Leader
This is my first MOAB and I threw some commentary over it. I used my MK14 with my rapid fire. I hope you guys enjoy it!



New Member
Nice MOAB, you still lost though (don't you LOVE teammates?) which I think is hilarious... BTW you said your mod shoots the fastest on the forums (or something like that) and I just wanted to say that you were shooting a whole clip in 2-3 seconds (2-3 seconds based on the Youtube video time) and I can empty mine on my Rag paddle in 1.7 seconds. :p

Buuut you could have been lagging or what not so I'll still give it to ya, lol!

Btw, what proficiency were you running w/ on the MK14?


ModdingBros Leader
I was running kick but yeah its the fastest macro on the library and majority of the time I wasnt holding down the trigger I was burst firing so that could be the case too. You can check out my rapid fire show off video it just shows my rapid fire off in a short video in a private match. Thanks for the comment!


New Member
Just checked your p-match vid and in that it takes you just under 4 seconds to empty a clip >.> I personally shoot faster on other peoples host (only when I am 4 bar though) than I do in my own private match with the v360 paddles, very strange isn't it? I learned this from when I was complaining about how my $8 mod shot faster (private match) when I first got it, but then when I tried it in an online match, the rag shot much much faster.

Its still a crack load faster than all of the other mods so it really doesn't matter lol.

Do you own a Rag controller MJ?

EDIT: I LOVE the comment on your MOAB vid, just spend the better part of 5 minutes laughing at it..
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ModdingBros Leader
I do not own the Ragnarok although do want one just have other hobbies that I would rather spend money on. Thats weird though I have been trying to get it faster which I might of but it was much so I gave up on it. Now I cant even flash macros, my controller died on me yesterday might have to send it in. The Ragnarok seems awesome though maybe one day I will do an install since the DIY chip is pretty cheap just dont have a Matrix 2 board. That comment is from RED SOX here on the forums he just likes to be silly. I dont know if you have seen him around here but every so often he will drop by.


This si so much faster than mine ever goes... I have crappy internet I suppose, but I was pretty impressed with teh speeds I had until now. What speed do you claim is faster on the Ragnarok? I have a PS3 Ragnarok, probably be pretty simular I'd think...


ModdingBros Leader
Hmmm I am very curious at this point too, I haven't seen one faster then mine but if your speed is really that fast then atleast I know I have room to improve my rapid fire.


New Member
I jump between different speeds depending on how many bar of connection I have.

Note this is with the Rapid Fire attachment
4 Bar -- 25 SPS
3 Bar -- 8.2 (might be 8.3 shouldn't make much of a difference I don't wanna look atm)
2 Bar -- Different gun
1 Bar -- Turn off Xbox/Leave Game.