Mw3 quick scope timing value/s


New Member
seems anywhere between 15-20 delay units per Sniper Rifle works rather well, even gives you the full scope after as a bit of "follow thru" if need be.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Thanks for sharing! I was using a longer delay but I'm probably not doing it right anyway since I basically let it scope before it fires (because my aim is terrible lol)


New Member
yeah the 140-160 its set it before hand is WAAAYYY too slow, gets you killed 95% of the time before the shot even gets to fire, but if you lower it down to around 45-55 it lets you get the full scope + shot placement (for those with bad aim) but if you set it down to around 20-35 it gives you the "quick scope" style shot, but lets you get the full scope after for further target acquisition or to adjust the next shot. pretty cool really how its setup