Myths Review of his New Silver

So I got my new Silver Viking 360 yesterday after work. All in all it's freakin sweet!

Very professionally put together. I was concerned that the Tac Switches would be flimsy, but that is not the case at all. The controller looks great and is very sturdy. There were a couple of MINOR scratches on the bottom black thing and the "B" button (I have OCD so I notice these things), but this is nothing that would not have happened the first time I put it in my drawer with my headset and cables.
Grade: A

This thing is freakin sweet. I had a blast playing with it last night. My only complaint is that I have so many options!!! It's a good thing that I have 16 pages to play with. Now I just have to figure out how to best organize my pages for different games. I am thinking about shades of Gold-Yellow for COD Games, Reds for Homefront, Purple for Halo Reach etc... gotta figure this one out though.
Grade: A

Well my only complaint on the software has been addressed with a new update to the firmware. I could not get the recorded macro to play back. Cant wait to get home from work and update the firmware so this is fixed. Other than that the software was easy to install and easy to set up new macros. I wish that we could copy a "page" from one set and paste it to another (i.e. add someones MW2 page to my Master Games Set with COD, HF and Halo on it instead of having to build each page from scratch)
Grade: B+

Macro Database:
All in all it is very good, but it seems like it is the same few people that do all of the Macros. Hopefully with the sale price more people submit Macros to the database. I know I will once I figure out how to make some GOOD ones (I am currently working on the timing for a Tac button that chucks two grenades in rapid succession). All in all though what is up now is very easy to find what you are looking for, just needs a little more community involvement.
Grade: B

Overall I think this was definitely worth the price. When I see other companies that are having a sale for $109 for just a rapid fire controller, I think... holy crap people are dumb. I definitely think that this controller is worth the extra money with the number of features that you can do with it. As new games come out with new max shots per second, it is easy to make a new quick macro and be ready to rock and role without having to go out and buy a new controller specifically for that one game. Now if I can just figure out how to make a Fast Reload Macro for my M16 in Homefront I will be all set lol
Grade: A


New Member
I share your desire for the ability to copy pages within a Viking Macro Set without having to rebuild individual pages. This would definitely save some time and allow me to better organize my pages as I add or subtract games from my Macro Sets.


New Member
I am in the process of taming akimbo pythons. I have a post in the black ops forum with my "rough draft" currently I was able to tame them a little better than what the 9.99SPS Akimbo macro could do. It is a LONG and painful process from what I can tell but so far I have them staying in a fairly man sized target at close range. My eyes burn and I am hungry so I feel it is time to wait a while before working on it some more. The good news is once I figure out what I am happy with on it I can start modifying it to work with the other sensitivities.

I am happy with upward recoil as long as it goes directly up and not wildly to the side.


Great review, thanks! Very helpful. One of my biggest concerns when I was thinking about ordering was the tac buttons, like if they were bad or not responsive or whatever it'd ruin the whole thing, so it was good to hear someone else of the same mind confirm they're good.


New Member
The tac buttons are definitely fine. They aren't mushy, aren't weak, and have a positive click. They are also pretty hard to press unless you mean to. I haven't even come close to pressing them inadvertently.


Active Member
HippieMagic said:
The tac buttons are definitely fine. They aren't mushy, aren't weak, and have a positive click. They are also pretty hard to press unless you mean to. I haven't even come close to pressing them inadvertently.



I feel bad for having expected anything else from Viking. I am glad to hear it though. Thanks for taking the time to reply and let me know. I appreciate it. My controller is supposed to show up tomorrow according to UPS. A day early, but a day late for Nuketown 24/7. lol

How you liking the new upgraded twisty d-pad, work better? I really wanted the Fable design one, but I caved on it due to it having the older style d-pad. I'll admit my hopes are up a little, but the old one doesn't set the bar high so I'm not too worried about disappointment there.
I personally like the new D-pad. Its much easier to hit the up down left right and not accidentally hit a diagonal unless you want to.