Need my Viking fixed


New Member
I just needed some help with my Viking. I purchased new in Jan if I can remember. Today I noticed the macro switch near the directional pad was pushed in and not comming out. I touched it and it fell into the controller. I have other issues that have come up so maybe they can be addressed when I send in to be fixed. I play black ops exclusivly. When i use the rapid fire setup with either the fal, m14 or any handgun its hit or miss when you bring up your sights, its does a knife lunge. Seems like the right joystick sems way too touchy. Way more so than my standard xbox controller. Dont know what it is. So what do i do next? Would like to get this fixed asap. Thank you


Active Member
I need to see your .vks file to see what the problem is with the bringing up sights = knife lunge.

The tac switch fell into your controller? That is worth sending your controller in.

Remember if you modified your controller in any way, (removed warranty sticker, opened it, threw it against the ground, etc) we cannot fix it.

If you have taken good care of your controller, make a support ticket.

If you want to fix the problem with the macro controller aiming in = knife lunge, upload your macro set, the .vks.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Typically the support team has been fixing tac switches (even outside of warranty) if you can at least pay shipping out to the shop. The other issues I'm not so sure about. Either way you'll need to put in a support ticket at the Viking360 site to get it returned for some repairs. Definitely should mention your other issues anyway when you submit the ticket.