New Macro Controller For Next Generation Consoles

So, I'm in love with the macro controller I have for the Xbox 360 (as I'm sure many other people are), and can't imagine gaming without it. However, with the new generation of consoles coming out in November, many of us will have some decisions to make.

I realise that Viking may want to keep the actual details/specs for the new macro controller a secret until they actually release it (which is perfectly fine/understandable), but would it be possible to know any rough dates of when the new macro controller might be released (so that I can time my purchase of a next generation console alongside it) and know whether both a PS4 and Xbox One version of the macro controller is planned, or is the focus primarily going to be on the Xbox One first and foremost (again the answer will help me decide what console I may get)?

Thanks for any info in advance :D