New Xbox 720/Ps4 controllers??


New Member
Understanding that they won't be out for a while, just thought I'd bring it up. I can't wait too hopefully see what viking can dream up with the new stuff, any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
The rumors we've heard so far are the same rumors you've all heard up to this point:

XBOX "720": Your XBOX 360 controllers will not work on the new XBOX "720" console. The XBOX "720" console will likely have kinect built-in. The kinect part will also accept voice commands.

PS4: The controller is largely unchanged; they have added a touch pad and they also added a large LED light bar across the top of the controller that I'm assuming is to be compatible with the "move". Not sure if their console will come with the "move" add-on by default.


New Member
Just another random idea, what if apple finally gets their hands into the video game industry, I'm 99% sure they won't but it would be cool if they could.


ModdingBros Representative
There was just live feed of the new PS4 consol showing off their graphix engine. Some of it was pretty impressive. They had a lot of big name programmers showing off demos of future games there making for the new console lanch. Bungie will be making a new FPS called destiny that looks to be pretty impressive. They stated the PS4 will be released holiday 2013, whenever that is. I have a hunch it will be around christmas time toward the end of 2013.
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