Xx Binno xX

New Member
For anyone who doesn't no what own is its playstion network an it has been down for two 2 weeks. Just want to here what people think of Sony now and if they will sell There ps3. At game stop the guy there said he had 50 calls on one day for people asking how much they would give for a ps3 because they cant play online anymore. Personal I think Sony is going down. I always likes my xbox 360 and always new it was better haha.


New Member
No, it normally would have, but the hackers had access to all your information, they're keeping it down for now so they can't acess any more credit card numbers/emails , etc.


Today is day 10. I'm annoyed, but I'm not selling my PS3s. It's not down permanently, that would be a disaster for Sony if it was. I had heard it was going to be up Wednesday, so maybe that meant this coming Wednesday... This could just as easily have happened to xbox live, it doesn't affect the PS3-360 battle in any way.


Active Member
Is PSN backup now?

It went down on 4-20.... I don't think this security breach will shut-down Sony. This was a terrible thing to happen, but we are still kind of young in this new technology era, were everything gets paid through online sites and what not..... And to be fair this is going to help out every company dealing with online security.... It's not like everyone had there C.C.# stolen....


No, it wasn't up about two hours ago anyways. As soon as it comes up the whole thing will be forgotten about anyways.

Sgt Jax Mehoff

Useful Poster
WetterThanWater said:
No, it normally would have, but the hackers had access to all your information, they're keeping it down for now so they can't acess any more credit card numbers/emails , etc.

i dont have a ps3 i got xbox 360 :cool:


Active Member
WetterThanWater said:
No, it normally would have, but the hackers had access to all your information, they're keeping it down for now so they can't acess any more credit card numbers/emails , etc.

I think your wrong about this one mate!!!! The reason why its still down is because they are trying to fix/upgrade/make there security system better! The hackers already got all the information the first time, you got to remember that the hackers computers are probably 100x faster than your computer. They hack in and download all the info then bounce the Fvck out......


New Member
I think your wrong about this one mate!!!! The reason why its still down is because they are trying to fix/upgrade/make there security system better! The hackers already got all the information the first time, you got to remember that the hackers computers are probably 100x faster than your computer. They hack in and download all the info then bounce the Fvck out......[/quote]

exactly, quick and easy


Well-Known Member
Staff member
The sooner Sony fixes their network the sooner I can test my beta PS3 rapidfire controller... I am sitting here writing as much code as I can without actually testing the damn thing. My other problem, I've never played PS3 on-line in my wife. Does anybody have an account they want to lease to me that has black ops played a lot on it - I would be willing to pay - I just need access to single-fire FAL and CZ75's for testing. :)


I can hack MW2 accounts, if you want one of them with the unlocks I can hook you up with one no problem... My brothers won't let me lend out the account I play BO on though. I'm pretty sure I can get to the CZ75 within 2 hours, it's been a while so I'm not sure, but... I could probably rank the account I hacked for you in a day or two. The FAL is a bit higher I think, what level is it unlocked again?


New Member
odingalt said:
The sooner Sony fixes their network the sooner I can test my beta PS3 rapidfire controller... I am sitting here writing as much code as I can without actually testing the darn thing. My other problem, I've never played PS3 on-line in my wife. Does anybody have an account they want to lease to me that has black ops played a lot on it - I would be willing to pay - I just need access to single-fire FAL and CZ75's for testing. :)

ps3 = lag fest... (my opinion)


Ben said:
PS3andCOD said:
...the FAL is a bit higher I think, what level is it unlocked again?

28 I think..?

That's not too bad, it's after about 35 it starts to take forever... Level 50 (to let you do presteige) litterally seems to take as long as levels 1-15, or even 1-20...

DirkSmoove said:
odingalt said:
The sooner Sony fixes their network the sooner I can test my beta PS3 rapidfire controller... I am sitting here writing as much code as I can without actually testing the darn thing. My other problem, I've never played PS3 on-line in my wife. Does anybody have an account they want to lease to me that has black ops played a lot on it - I would be willing to pay - I just need access to single-fire FAL and CZ75's for testing. :)

ps3 = lag fest... (my opinion)

It really depends on the game. The older COD's don't lag at all, and neither does Battlefield BC2. MW2 can lag a bit sometimes, and BO lags a fair amount... BO is very poorly made on PS3 vs 360, the graphics are way worse too. If they did it properly it could be better than 360, look at Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank and Metal Gear Solid, they destroy BO for graphics. Metal Gear is something like 5 years old too... THey're all PS3 exclusive, so PS3 doesn't get the short end of the stick when American developers favour American consoles.


Active Member
A'ight now, lets not start a flame war about the two...Please???

For one reason not to is because this battle has been going on forever through the world in regards to which one is better than the other!!!
The second reason is because pretty soon Viking360 will be supporting both systems **(maybe, [fingers crossed for yes]
:twisted: )** and if we plan on retailing on the PS3 side of the world then we defiantly don't want to be bashing/bringing down/straight talking Pish about it!!!!! Ya Digg!!! :twisted:


Aparently the PSN will be up this week. They're also giving out some free stuff to make up for the outage. The store is going to be closed for a while though, it's just the online gaming part comming back up. That doesn't really suprise me, there was a hack to download stuff for free. If they had to deal with another hack they probably figured they'd fix that one too.


Active Member
[color=#00FFFF said:
PS3andCOD[/color]]Aparently the PSN will be up this week. They're also giving out some free stuff to make up for the outage. The store is going to be closed for a while though, it's just the online gaming part comming back up. That doesn't really suprise me, there was a hack to download stuff for free. If they had to deal with another hack they probably figured they'd fix that one too.

One of good friends has been calling Sony/PS everyday, straight *female-dogging* at them while demanding free stuff from them too. Which from knowing him, he will be getting hooked-up! I've seen him do this so many times in the past regarding other companies that have screwed up!!!

But I feel bad for all those SoCom diehards who can't even play right now!!!