PURCHASING PROBLEMS: My cards been charged but transaction didnt go through!


New Member

i recently tried to buy one of your controllers, however, when i went to purchase it, it came up with an Avs error saying my address did not match the address on my credit card. i called to double check with my bank and the addresses on my card and the what i put in match.

so i tried again. same error.

problem is, i was charged every time this happened. Now, usually, these charges would be reversed. however, because verifying credit card addresses is not immediate what ends up happening is the error pops up, you reverse the charges and then charge the card once proper verification has gone through.

So what i want to know is, am i going to get slammed with 600$ worth of purchases by you and how the heck do i even by one of these controllers when everything on my card and billing address match?

i want to make sure i am not charged at all from any of those transaction. is there someone i can speak to, a number i can call, to prevent this and sort out some way to purchase a controller?


Active Member
Your bank should refund you in the next 3-4 days. Our cart denies transactions that it believes can lead to fraud (we are very careful nowadays). If it charged you, it won't go through and you should be refunded.

Try repurchasing after you get a refund on a prepaid credit card that you bought from say walmart, k-mart, a grocery store, etc.


New Member
Hmm. that's a relief because before i found the awesomeness of viking360 i tried to buy a different kind of controller. it didnt go thru in the same way but this time i was charged and that aint getting refunded! i dont even want the crappy things now that i know about this place sigh.

Could it be because im in Australia that it's messing up? like i said i checked with my bank and they are the same address so i am not too sure why it is not working. I might try again today and if that doesnt work not sure what i can do. I dont think we can just roll out and buy prepaid credit cards. is there an alternate way to ID myself?


Active Member
It might be, or it could be something else. Are you using a debit card? Try using a credit card. Also try cancelling the purchase from the bank. Odingalt may be able to expedite the process for you.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
PayPal has the highest success rate for international purchasers, give that payment option a try if you can? Try to stay away from using debit cards -- even when the transaction is declined, sometimes it can take your bank over a week to release the temporary authorizations. Which sucks on a debit card because it's actually holding your checking account funds in a temporary authorization.