
x iiTryHard o

ModdingBros Member
Okay so if i set my jitter yy to right trigger can i make a rapid fire on a tac switch and make that shoot a rapidfire when i touch it and when i push my rt it will shoot my jitter

Sgt Jax Mehoff

Useful Poster
It would be best if u made a tac switch for both
You can do this and that is a good idea. I have a custom akimbo mode on almost all my pages because i'm nearly always a close quarters kind of player on CoD. I have my rapid fire on the right trigger with akimbo mode on the RT2. I have a few pages with different jitter speeds and I have akimbo mode on them. Even on the jitter pages I will use a python with jitter at extremely close quarters because the python with jitter at close range can't be beat.