questions & opinions


New Member
i don't own a windows computer, i own a mac. therefore i won't be able to download or make my own macros if i were to purchase a controller. based on this, would it even be worth it to purchase a controller? and if you say yes, could you please explain which one and why it would be worth it when i won't be able to customize or change the macros. thanks.


New Member
As a Mac user the only way you can connect the Macro controller to your Mac is by running a Bootcamp'd version of Windows. I personally own a 2nd computer that is an old windows one. It does nothing but run Viking and keep my Printer up. So unless you can Bootcamp Windows or get a hold of an old computer your not going to be able to run the software. The Macro controller is pretty amazing and can be used for pretty much any game imaginable. I highly recommend it but if you don't have access to a way to run windows then you've got really no way to use it. If you have any other questions let me know. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
No it's not worth buying the macro controller if you can't use the software.

You might be able to get by with the XBOX360 Ragnarok without a computer, but you wouldn't be able to get any new features that come out in future updates without tracking down a buddy with a PC. XBOX360 Ragnarok lets you set rapidfire speeds, fast reload delays without a computer and it lets you access all the features without a computer. XBOX360 Ragnarok pretty much doesn't need a computer to play.

Some Mac customers have had mixed success running Bootcamp. Somebody also suggest WineBottler.