rapid fire not working properly for waw legacy plz help


New Member
Hi I own 3 macro controllers and 3 odin ravens, cod waw rapid fire works on all my macro controllers but on all the legacy controllers the preset rapid fire for waw only works for the first clip of firing then just starts shooting very slow slower then just pulling the trigger. Is anyone aware of this problem at all? Please any help/advice would be greatly appreciated thank you

xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
I think that may mean the preset probably isn't the best rapidfire speed for the game. Try playing around with custom rapidfire speeds for the game. I've noticed on my Ragnarok that some of the presets don't work well at all but in the next update odin and jets said they'd be working on correcting these types of things. The preset on my Ragnarok for WaW is 6.9 SPS. Try that out (who knows, maybe your preset is a different number) and if that doesn't work, adjust the number until you get a good working speed. Hope this helps!


New Member
I thought for waw it had to be some type of special rapid fire because of the mod blocks? thats just what I heard I dont know I dont know how true it is

xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
Yeah, I think you're right, on my Ragnarok it says that Mode 10 is a special mode just for WaW so that may be because of mod blocks (although i haven't really heard of it). Can you edit the preset with the legacy software or no? Like if I wanted to adjust rapidfire in WaW I just would go to mode 10 and change the 6.9 SPS to something else, and it would still work even with the mod blocks.

I remember kids used to be able to fly and go under the maps and through walls and stuff in that game but they patched it so they probably patched rapidfire and stuff as well which is why there's a special mode/preset for the game.

modded matt

Active Member
you are experiancing the second patch for RF in the WAW game. It takes a special program to bypass. the raven should be compatable though. I will look inot this if I get a chance. but from memory, I remember there should be a fast setting and a slow setting. set your RF around 7.5sps


New Member
I have and it was working ok for a little bit but stopped again, this isnt a huge problem but if theres a simple solution out there it would help


New Member
hey guys I redownloaded the software and so far its working, I'll give you all a updat if somthing happens but right now its working great thanks again