Tac Switch Relocation on Macro Controller?


New Member
How difficult it would be to move the tac switches on the Macro controller? The default location just isn't right for my hands, the bottom two aren't even useful. How difficult would it be for me to drill new holes and move the switches? I'd prefer to not solder.

Better yet, does Fredrow still mod controllers?




ModdingBros Representative
In the macro controllers where the back tac buttons are located there is some slack to the wires so u could probley space them wider apart. The only issue though is u have to be very careful when u disassemble the tac from the shell. The macro chip rest on top of the main chip on the backside of the controller board and is held securely in place by the pressure of the shell when its closed. If the chip shifts slightly the controller will not work right. If you are not a experienced modder i strongly suggest u not going forward with this. Almost every time u open a macro controller when u put everything back together something doesn't seem to work right. It will start to trip out the X,Y or the A,B buttons. If it does this like mimic two buttons then the macro chip shifted on the main chip it rest on. Then u will have to pop the protective cover off the back of the macro chip then very very very carefully remove the macro chip strait off the main motherboard chip on the controller than re insert it back on the controller motherboard chip and hope that all the small hair size metal fingers match right on the tiny legs of the motherboard chip. Personally i wouldn't mess with it but im sure if u wanted to go all out u could do some pretty cool stuff like add extra tac buttons that will mimic another tac button. so u could have two tac buttons do the same thing. U can do this by using on of the designated tac buttons and solder two wires extra wires on the tac legs and connect then to another tac, now u just mimicked that tac to the other tac so both tacs do the same thing but u can arrange them into different spots!
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New Member
Thanks for the detailed response Brian! I've got a lot of experience with this kind of stuff, but at the same time, this controller is now priced at 2x what I originally paid two years ago....

I have looked around but I couldn't find any photos/videos of the Macro controller disassembled, know of any? Watching someone else break theirs is always the best way to learn before you break your own!


ModdingBros Representative
It dosent look too complex but it is a very moody chip. I know when my controller goes out i can transfer all the stuff into a new controller but like i said u will probley have to open and close it and keep adjusting the chip like 10 times till u get it just right. It will glitch and stat doing stuff like making the x button Y and Y button will be Y or it will go B button B and A button B. It can be a real pain in the ***. Plus trying to remove a tac that super glued in without breaking a leg off the tac. Talk about a headache.


New Member
I went to eBay to get the screwdriver (my bit can't reach the bottom screws), on eBay they are a billion different controller 'mods', that pushed me over the edge. I'll be doing this in a few weeks or so. I'll post pics. I'd really like to rubberize the controller and maybe swap out the sticks. Still, if anyone finds any disassemble pics, I'd appreciate it.



ModdingBros Representative
Yea u need a torx 8 security screw driver. Make sure its the security torx though. Honestly your probley better off just buying a new controller or a used controller board on ebay than to change the analog stick. Not going to lie thats probley the most difficult thing u can do. Without the proper de soldering equipment it will be a big pain in the butt. To switch the front leds is not difficult. With a new controller all u have to do is de solder the stock leds and the macro leds are on like a thin flexible plastic circuit and all u have to do is solder like two easy wires to the power and ground. The actual macro chip just clips on to the main motherboard chip on the back of the controller. u dont have to de solder nothing if u disassemble it right. all you have to do is drill the holes were u want the tacs and super glue them in and make sure the wires are not in any pinch points. Seriously to swap it out to another controller u will only need to solder like 4 little areas. The hardest part is making sure the macro chip snaps on perfect to the motherboard chip on the controller.


New Member
Awesome, good to know. I didn't think of the 'Macro' part being portable, but you're right, if I decide the sticks are done I'll just swap out the viking bits.

modded matt

Active Member
There are no install pics or tutorials because this is not a chip you can purchase. To my knowledge the install documents were only provided to qualified installers such as Fredrow and myself. Fredrow fell off the earth when he went to work for microsoft, (They probably have him under a no compete/disclosure clause) I am still here, while I dont have the big website fred did, I believe my name carries weight. Contact me if you want custom work done. I am currently building a ps3 ragnarok, and repairing a failed thumb stick from one of Fredrow's custom macros.

My personal macro has 4 buttons on top shell and two on the bottom, but I can put them anywhere you like.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
If there were more room on the back of the controller we'd space the buttons farther apart. It's a trial-and-error process to fit them anywhere else. Do yourself a favor and if you are going to change them yourself buy a "junker" controller from e-bay for cheap and practice drilling and gluing switches on the junker and test out the fit of the buttons each time after attaching the buttons. Getting the shell to close up with custom stuff is a nightmare, 90% of the places you think a button will fit good it turns ou the button rams into some internal part stopping the shell from closing all the way.

I have an idea on how to solve this but it might not be very beautiful to look at when you are done.

modded matt

Active Member

here is my personal macro, I use the two top tacts to change pages left and right, and the other 4 as activation.