Tweening Left Stick Movement Problems!


Well-Known Member
Odin, there are still problems with the tweening of the stick movement! When I was building a strafe moving left to right the only way was using free movement on the joystick axis behavior but using the right to left only on the joystick axis behavior when I was making the left movement then click to stick it shows up right movement on the rune! Also when making some fast reloads I have it at full stick movement up plus clicking the stick to run it is weak! Don't give me that snap you need for the fast reload! Please take a look at this! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I know exaclty the bug you are talking about. The smaller "preview" that shows the joystick direction is incorrect when you "left/right" selected under "Joystick Axis Behavior". The good news is that even though the preview is incorrect, the data is still correct. (I checked the binary output). Also if you go back to "Free movement" the preview goes back to being correct. Will add this to list of fixes needed for Viking Forge.