Two Rag 360 Chips arriving today!!

I'm pretty pumped that I have two 360 DIY Chips coming in today... best thing is my wife is out of town for the weekend so I have lots of time to do the install and play with my new toy. Wish me luck!!


ModdingBros Leader
Good luck man. I have been wanting to get my hands on one but I cant do it funds wise yet. I have the controllers to install them in just need the chip so maybe in a few weeks Ill get my hands on a chip and play with it. It just hasnt been top priority for me since I have the Macro controller but I would still like to get one.


New Member
Good luck, I just installed one myself! Install wasnt that hard but remember, when it comes to the vias and traces flux can be your best friend. Now im waiting on my PS3 chip :)