XBOX360 - Best Type 95 Fire Rate wit Rapid Fire Attachment


New Member
I can't get the Type 95 to fire like a full auto. The gun still shootd like a 3 round burst. It seems I am speeding up the burst, but there is still a slight delay between bursts. Anyone know a good fire rate for the Type 95 with rapid fire attachment?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I can't get the Type 95 to fire like a full auto. The gun still shootd like a 3 round burst. It seems I am speeding up the burst, but there is still a slight delay between bursts. Anyone know a good fire rate for the Type 95 with rapid fire attachment?

This sounds normal on MW3. You can't make 3-round burst weapons shoot full auto in MW3.

In games prior to MW3, you could use jitter to accomplish this. Jitter was patched in MW3.