Recent content by lunosla

  1. L

    COD 4 and 5 bounces

    You could record strafes from an exact poit on a map for bounces and then you could do perfect bounces every time even in public matches! Tell me what you think
  2. L

    Technical post: what's different about the macro mod chip?

    Ok thanks I was hopping it was now I can completly improve my battlefield skills :)
  3. L

    is the new site ready yet??

    i know this is out of nowhere but i wish i could trade in my old odins raven because alltogether it was like 230 $ and now the most amzing modded controller ever comes out and its cheaper than the old most amzing modded controller ever.
  4. L

    Bio for xbox :)

    the only reason most people play xbox is beacuse they have a couple games on ps3 that evreybody loves (like halo and i think bioshockim not sure about that) and most people play it so most people have friends on xbox instead of ps3.
  5. L


    i wondering if this or reach will be the better game because i come from a halo backround but i still love COD
  6. L

    Technical post: what's different about the macro mod chip?

    is the mod chip connected to the back button? for auto spotting in battlfield
  7. L

    Best Laptop

    i have a toshiba nb205 netbook and its great but its like 350 but you should get like a dell net book for your price range
  8. L

    Lets make Viking 360 more famous

    I have an idea that will help the man who runs this website by advertising for him like he has for years. That idea is that everyone who owns a Viking 360 modded controller makes a youtube video about why this website is the best and what they like about there controler. Lets give back to the...
  9. L

    Post your Xbox LIVE Gamer Tags HERE!

    Re: XBL Gamer Tags...... lunosla no caps
  10. L

    MW2 quick reload for all guns

    dude you have the most pacence or however you spell that id probably kill myself if i tried that :twisted:
  11. L

    Perfect noscope beta - need your input and testing somebody

    i presed read divice and now my computer wont reconize my controler :(
  12. L

    FAL Mod Speeds

    love da 27.80 or however much its realy nice :D
  13. L

    new mods ideas

    mods for thors hammer and odins raven please keep it posible
  14. L

    no recoil

    the only problen with this is theres a HUGE difrence between transfer cable modding and controller modding. also the only thing you basicly have ever seen from a cotroler modis a faster fire rate ane gun shooting chaniging and dropshots and stuf conrtolers could do already but is extremly hard...
  15. L

    Model 1887 and spas 12

    if this was real u would be baned faster than any controler mod ever :cry: