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  1. odingalt

    so how do u make a mod work on the tac switch

    It depends on which controller you have, you posted this in the "anything goes" category and so we have no idea what controller you own.
  2. odingalt

    Username & password Forge?

    Got your helpdesk ticket. Login info sent back.
  3. odingalt

    Bad Boy Berserker on PC!

    You'll go to that page above, download the driver, and install it. Nothing magic happens yet though. Plug in your controller after the driver install is done. Then (if you are Windows 7 for example) open up your start menu and type "USB Game" you should see a link for "Set up USB game...
  4. odingalt


    Seriously custom! [I have drilled 100 of those slots in the back shell without error perfectly, and of course I dinged this one! So pissed!]
  5. odingalt

    Berserker Cameos!!

    Cameos or camos? We have a shipment of new hydro dip shells coming very soon, it's coming from out of country.
  6. odingalt

    Berserker Questions

    It takes our tech like 3 hours to build a Berserker. Opening it to do work is very time consuming (time = money). Could be costly to have more work done later. The paddles are screwed in, would be careful removing/reinstalling it could wear out the plastic after awhile and the screws might...
  7. odingalt

    website error?

    I saw the yesterday but fixed it, our MYSQL application crashed for some reason. May have to do with lower RAM (we cut our web hosting service down to save money). I modified the MYSQL configuration that should better accomodate the more limited resources of our web hosting box.
  8. odingalt

    Can I install Ragnarok chip on this board?

    AHHHHH.... SHINEYYY........
  9. odingalt

    Berserker Questions

    The adapter does not fit with the paddles on! Only with modification. Jim you had to hack your paddles to get it to work didn't you?
  10. odingalt

    Can I install Ragnarok chip on this board?

    Way to stick with it and git 'er done!
  11. odingalt

    rt rapid fire not working

    If you set the rapidfire speed too high (above the speed cap set by the game developer) it can actually cause the gun to lock up entirely. What speed do you have it set at, and which gun are you using? Can you attach your macro to this thread and we can take a looka t it?
  12. odingalt

    got some new tools!

    Hakko FX-951. I think. It's the standard issue Hakko. One of the stations has a dual-port Hakko that has tweezers on the second port (for removing LED's).
  13. odingalt

    Wireless controller range decreased; leads to frequent disconnections

    Did you create a macro that includes the sync button within the macro playback? Yes it's possible to add the sync button to your macros... why I'm not sure... but if you do this and then play the macro it will make your controller re-sync.
  14. odingalt

    Can I install Ragnarok chip on this board?

    Yeah the matrix2 modchip is a pain, it has to be a perfect install or else it won't work. Also the matrix2 modchip is specifically for the matrix2, it won't work on a matrix1. There was a slight difference between matrix1 and matrix2, namely I believe both B and A buttons are common line...
  15. odingalt


    The suspense is killing you :-)
  16. odingalt

    Bad Boy Berserker on PC!

    Tried this out the other day, works great!
  17. odingalt

    My new Berserker is on its way !!!

    UK rep can build Berserkers and Ragnaroks for XBOX One. Their website isn't ready yet, but send us a message and we'll get you in touch with him.
  18. odingalt

    Can I install Ragnarok chip on this board?

    Wow an old blue Matrix2 chip that brings back memories :-)
  19. odingalt forums bug

    vkm and vks are now added as allowed file formats when uploading attachments to the forums.
  20. odingalt

    Turtle Beach Project :)

    Hey are you still working on this you didn't give up did you ? :-)