RPM or (rounds per minute) is exactly how it sounds meaning the max amount of ammo a particular weapon can fire in one minute.
It seems to be the standard now on rating how fast a weapon can fire. Before it was sps or (shots per second).
Bonefisher has listed a very reputable website that has...
My macro was doing this as well. I just loaded a blank page into my controller and changed the led color to a different color other than stock red. After that the problem stopped.
I just bought original halo & halo 2 and have made great strides in mods for halo 2. I have the battle riffle double shot down RRXYYRR, melee double tap X method BXRRXYYRR, melee double tap YY no reload method BYYRRXYYRR & battle riffle fast reload! These mods are beast to say the least. I can...
Odin can u post pics of all the new rubber grips here. I see them in the options menu but u can't see what they look like. I'm almost ready to afford a berserker and I'm curious to see what the different grip colors look like!
Yea copy paste lol. Found out that you can't post more than 10000 characters to with this ha haaaaa. I Dont blame you on not wanting to do this. Talk about a headache. Matt will probably do some damage to this.
Changing the subject (dont mean to thread hijack) When I get a berserker I feel like...
Its somewhat free. U can only play one character. It rotates characters every so often but would be nice if everyone could pick on character and nock all these moves out. Make a gamepack out of it.
Dug this info up on some other site. It has all the moves listed. Now someone needs to code all of it LOL. _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
_/ General Info _/
Regular Moves:
Basic punches and kicks. They are quick but don't cause much damage.
Special Moves:
Unique moves that can be...
Good to know. This setup is actually quite useful. My math shows it increases in 0.05 increments. So if u have this setup .1s to .2s @ stock SM u have 5 sps. So if it were say 1.01 SM it would be 5.05 sps and if it was @ 1.02 SM it would be 5.10sps and so fourth. So if forge software goes in...
I agree great post. If I get some time this weekend I'll try to create a chart based off this .1s - .2s method using the speed multiplier to get different sps. This way anyone can refer to the speed multiplier chart to set the rf speed they want by drawing a line on RT from .1s to .2s.
You can still play original Xbox titles on 360 there is no online support but u can do like a split screen or system link deal with others. I'm positive I can make these mods and others here can update macro form to beserker format.
As most of u know Xbox is going to reconstruct halo 2. As we all know this halo was a pioneer game for some of the the best mods. I'm buying a old original copy of halo 2 and will be making all the mods that were in that game. If any of u are interested I'll post working macros of these mods in...
You are absolutely correct Matt. Old and new members need a chart as u speak like a times table chart to break it to actual number without doing long over complicated math problems! Sorry for rambling I often feel obligated to defend myself even when I'm missing the main point. Matt u have a...
No I've never used the forge software but I've talked with bonefisher before about this and its almost the same princibles of converting macro to rune software. Yes the forge has more varibles as far as how u can make specific runes and how they behave but the math is the same with forge and...
The easiest way I can break it down is as stated: in macro software "assuming berserker software is the same" one bar is 10MS @ stock speed multiplier settings; ex 1.00 So one box or 10 bars is 100MS @,1.00 speed multiplier. If u want to know the MS of a specific line segment with a different...
Well the market is at a stall right now. Though PS4 out selling xbox1 it would be a smart move to get a ps4 beserker. I feel its just not the right time to do so. We need more games and more new exploites to separate ourselves from everyone else!
Theres no comparison when it comes down to...
So I went online today to use my tac 12 jitter and it would only fire 2 shoots then nerf out. At first I thought it was connection lagg so I slowed the speed down. After numerous testing I've seen they put a cap on the X function cancler. It will fire once then twice then it will identify the X...
Congratulations on being a free man again! I'd go buy a jucy steak lol. So u have a macro controller and u will need a play and charge cord. U will need to download the latest macro firmware. If u go to viking360.com u can click on the software icon then click on Xbox icon then click the macro...