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  1. RED SOX

    KSG12 Rapid Hip Fire

    I see the problem with being shot at ,stunned, or flashed but with smoke it does sometime make me lag so maybe that would be a problem just a little insight,
  2. RED SOX

    V360 Clan!

    Haha that was pretty **** funny **** mind readers
  3. RED SOX

    What Do You Think?

    With the new avatar situation what do u think of mine and if interested in having one let me know on my GFX shop thread
  4. RED SOX

    In order for a profile picture to display....

    Thx Jets i had this idea a while ago and i'm glad to see it actually used that's why i like this forum so much
  5. RED SOX

    Give us a match

    Viking doesn't give out sponsorship's but my teams always down for a scrim. We'd love to smash u! :)
  6. RED SOX

    Editing a made macro... Need advice

    yes u can edit it speed it up etc.
  7. RED SOX

    Thisssss Issss REALLY FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ha (I thought i would throw u a courtesy since no one else thought it was funny)
  8. RED SOX

    Need instructions for sending controller in to be fixed.

    You need to go and file a support ticket fill it out and do what it says from there
  9. RED SOX

    KSG12 Rapid Hip Fire

    Stereroids that's the only explanation
  10. RED SOX

    KSG12 Rapid Hip Fire

    You guys actually won **** i say luck!
  11. RED SOX

    KSG12 Rapid Hip Fire

    Well i wanted to get the one he has and mess around with it
  12. RED SOX

    KSG12 Rapid Hip Fire

    can i get a download for this i wanna try
  13. RED SOX

    Hey guys

    Dammit Fredrow ur crampin my style
  14. RED SOX

    Hey guys

    Ya maybe tebow time in the last two minutes of the game when the jets are already up 30 points! lol And get on kord
  15. RED SOX

    Hey guys

    You know it Jets were gonna beat the broncos in the playoffs.
  16. RED SOX

    Hey guys

    Welcome back I've seen you around occasionally and always wondered who u were. Good luck with the Marine Core too i have the up most respect for a servicemen. Hope to see u around more!
  17. RED SOX

    ModdingBros GFX Shop | OPEN |

    Here is the black background u requested the transparent will be done in awhile
  18. RED SOX

    Msg to Odin?

    Have u ever thought of offering a premium membership to the forums? The perks to being premium could be having a colored username and maybe having avatars and having a picture of some sort in ur signature?Also maybe member only forums and member discounts on VikingDigital, Viking360 Exc.
  19. RED SOX

    ModdingBros GFX Shop | OPEN |

    This is for NBTKrashh it's ur new YT Background
  20. RED SOX

    Why I hate MW3...

    Hardcore also takes no GunSkill at all thats why i dont play it