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  1. Fredrow

    new xbox controller question

    Double M: when you mean tight, your talking about when your running the wires, keep them nice and tight close together. Right? Because when you make your solder connection's you want to have a little bit of slack, just a little bit. Because during use of the controller things heat up/then cool...
  2. Fredrow

    Custom Viking360 Constroller from East Seattle Electronics

    Here is another sweet controller I just got done with I call her the WRB Thor's Hammer[attachment=2:332npyr9]'s Hammer_(top)1.jpg[/attachment:332npyr9][attachment=1:332npyr9]'s...
  3. Fredrow

    Custom Viking360 Constroller from East Seattle Electronics

    THat red controller is not painted........
  4. Fredrow

    Custom Viking360 Constroller from East Seattle Electronics

    Here is another XCM Chrome Blue Raven[attachment=1:1dzfzmlz]Blue Glow V2_(top)1.jpg[/attachment:1dzfzmlz][attachment=0:1dzfzmlz]blue Glow V2_(bottom)1.jpg[/attachment:1dzfzmlz]
  5. Fredrow

    Custom Viking360 Constroller from East Seattle Electronics

    Here is another Custom Tyr's Hand Controller I just did! Check it out at [attachment=2:2gm4hghw]Black Red Hand_(top)1.jpg[/attachment:2gm4hghw][attachment=1:2gm4hghw]Black Red...
  6. Fredrow

    Is East Seattle Electronics Legit???

    Yes I am legit........ I got a business licenses and all that good stuff, plus what do you think I have been doing with all the custom controllers I have been building?? [attachment=0:338qh80g]ESE_WU-MIX.jpg[/attachment:338qh80g] The only thing that makes me look non-legit is my website and...
  7. Fredrow

    Swapping buttons?

    Double M you have impressed me once again!!!! And PS3 kid, you have pissed me off again, & again, & again....... One because you talk a lot of ish; and can't even back it up with anything!!!!! And two; you don't even own an Xbox 360!!!!!! I know I talk some trash every now and again, but 75%...
  8. Fredrow

    Ground Point and tact location

    Im sure brendanle78 has already figured everything out and installed the jack and the tact switches but I decided to make a quick little tutorial on how I do it just so maybe it can help people in the future! First thing I do is prep the jack. I do this by cutting off the pins that are not...
  9. Fredrow

    Promblematic Controller

    All voltage is trying to do is find the less resistive path that it can take......
  10. Fredrow

    Promblematic Controller

    It doesn't even have to do with resistors...... Voltage is going to take the path of the lest resistance.......
  11. Fredrow

    Good attempt with Adobe after effects

    Hey 42oz? I noticed on your subscribers list and the same person seems to be in your CLAN, Breezy!! I hope that is a chick...... Because if that is a dude, he may have some troubles if I ever see him online!!! Because Breezy= hot chick/female/women/girl........
  12. Fredrow

    Hey i ordered a controller on saturday and i have not got it

    Dude 4real you need to undo your panties because you got them all bunched up over nothing!!!!! Your controller will come..... I suggest you get back on your Adderal because your ADHD is acting up and seems to be driving you crazy..... Also if I get back on the forums tonight and see that you...
  13. Fredrow

    Is there Ban Protection?

    He doesn't need glasses...... He needs to learn to figure stuff out on his own...... If I was to guess this kid is in the age group of 11 to 14 years old...... Because it seems like that age group of kids dont take the time to do some RESEARCH=READING to find answers!!! They expect for their...
  14. Fredrow

    support ticket is seriously pisssin me off

    If you got a point to argue say it? Because its not really arguing, all we would be doing is learning from each other! That's the whole point of these forums is for us to learn more about ELEC & about the Viking360 controllers...... Also I really hope you didn't take any offense to the "MR. I...
  15. Fredrow

    Promblematic Controller

    Oh yes, it could be a short.... Even without the Viking chip installed.... Binno, do you know what the jargon is for "short" in Electronics? It stands for short to ground. Your voltage is going straight to ground..... That's what I was talking about!! Nice call M1A1.... Sounds like he has a...
  16. Fredrow

    Ground Point and tact location

    Hey I'm off to my summer class right now, but once I get home, if you haven't been helped yet I will help you out! I have a picture somewhere that shows how to install the 3.5mm jack, and also I have a nice little trick for installing the ground wires. This trick will help you out because you...
  17. Fredrow

    support ticket is seriously pisssin me off

    Sweet!!!! Thanks dude, at least one person doesn' Also I know what your saying too, about how it auto erases the chip before it loads up a pre-set. But as you know sometimes in microchips not everything gets total erased. I think all that it does is just kind of pushes the bits...
  18. Fredrow

    Custom Viking360 Constroller from East Seattle Electronics

    The response Ben gave was right on the money< those holes you see are the screw holes that connect the D-Pad to it's bottom piece of D-pad...... But I think XCM could come up with a way to squeeze in a couple LED's in there...Maybe!!!! Also You know I was just giving you some fucking shit...
  19. Fredrow

    support ticket is seriously pisssin me off

    Dude it's all good, everyone on here thinks Im dick anyways.......
  20. Fredrow

    Custom Viking360 Constroller from East Seattle Electronics

    Here is a simple Tyr's Hand I made up.... This controller will be up for sale shortly check out[attachment=2:wcltbf9k]'s Hand_(top)1.jpg[/attachment:wcltbf9k][attachment=1:wcltbf9k]'s Hand_(LED)1.jpg[/attachment:wcltbf9k][attachment=0:wcltbf9k]'s...