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  1. RED SOX

    Unboxing of my macro plz watch!!!

    If everyone can go sub and favorite that would be awesome.
  2. RED SOX

    Newest Rapid-fire!

    Stastically it would be modding bros and NyJets vs Drastic but in my opinion modding bros and jets
  3. RED SOX

    Newest Rapid-fire!

    Thank You for supplying us with the program and the controller to make these amazing macros.
  4. RED SOX

    Hey Whats Up Guys Just Bought My Macro And introducing myself to everyone.

    and wats the size for an avatar too?
  5. RED SOX

    Hey Whats Up Guys Just Bought My Macro And introducing myself to everyone.

    U know it Jets as long as ur not as into the yankees as the jets we're fine and as long as u dont like the lakers :p
  6. RED SOX

    Need some avatar Help?

    I have mine uploaded and its 100x100 so i think thats right? lol
  7. RED SOX

    Hey Whats Up Guys Just Bought My Macro And introducing myself to everyone.

    Whoa guys u cant hate on the RED SOX cause there badass and i hate the yankees but i love the Jets lol!
  8. RED SOX

    Need some avatar Help?

    So i want to change my avatar but when i go to edit my avatar the only suggestion is to have no avatar which is already marked and you cant unmark it is there something else to do?
  9. RED SOX

    Hey Whats Up Guys Just Bought My Macro And introducing myself to everyone.

    thanks to everyone with the hellos.I am one of the newest members of modding bros ran by QsR x ExecuTioN and x iiTryhard o who have along with Jets made the fastest and smoothest cod Black Ops rapidfire macro. and will be working on other sets of macros as i get used to the viking360 program...
  10. RED SOX

    Hey Whats Up Guys Just Bought My Macro And introducing myself to everyone.

    Hey whats up guys just thought i'd say hello to every1 just signed up. :D