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  1. M


    you spelled it correctly. Edit:i didnt even see your post obo :lol:
  2. M

    The Serpent has landed.

    ill car......but man that sucks.
  3. M

    Serpent Feel?

    i think it feels like a regular controller.....based on user posted photos.
  4. M

    The Serpent has landed.

    why would you buy a 200 dollar viking and not use it.
  5. M

    ***Please increase jitter speed***

    One jitter two modes of same jitter and same speed
  6. M

    Little help installing raven

    flux isnt a "sticking" agent it is ment to clean the surface of where your about to solder of impurities(I.E hand oils grease).
  7. M

    Controller Help

    Re: Just recieved my Viking360 Serpent Controller there is no "operational" software as of right now. sorry there will be a working editor up tomorow (thursday 10/7/10)
  8. M

    when are the programs and videos gonna be up

    he said in the post you quoted that the patch is being should be in the final release.
  9. M

    when are the programs and videos gonna be up laptop is 1920x1080 but i cant run the software because i'm on x64 :(
  10. M

    Downloads on main page

    They will be on that page...there not up yet.
  11. M

    Very important feature

    exactly its not possible because its a peripheral not on the Xbox itself so a firmware update to xbl wont do anything to the controller. however an update to the controller design would affect future controllers
  12. M

    Where do I get the password for the regular site?

    some preorders didnt ship on the 1st.
  13. M

    when are the programs and videos gonna be up

    he is running behind schedule......dont forget he needs to ship hundreds of controllers in the next couple of days
  14. M

    Firefox Add-on (need to check out)

    all good except auto pager its for Chrome......
  15. M

    Little help installing raven

    Put it on the spot your about to solder to.
  16. M

    3 Round Burst Idea

    i thought he was talling about the legacy controller lol......that might be possible with the new controller though
  17. M

    Which should i get?

    ok....i have the 32gb ipod touch and i love it!.......but as for phones i agree F^&* apple. i have a samsung movement by sprint....i want to upgrade to the evo though.....its a sick phone
  18. M

    3 Round Burst Idea

    You can't use the FAL like a M16 it's the same exact thing......also it CANT be done if you fully read my previous post
  19. M

    Custom WU-TANG Xbox 360

    how is agreeing with him being all over his nuts? seriously. i agree with you sometimes. i agree with ben sometimes, and i agree with e most of the time. so just because i agree with him doesnt mean that im on his nuts. seriously.
  20. M

    Which should i get?

    also the U.S will not impose an import tax because they banned it in the early 1900s