Search results

  1. M

    Best Laptop

    eh i would recommend at least a 15 inch
  2. M

    Best Laptop

  3. M

    Best Laptop

    Oh 400-500....IMO that's netbook prices if your looking for a laptop that will last you well through senior year I recomend 1000-1300 but if your going that high just get a desktop....but I have a Sony VAIO 480 j/t laptop
  4. M

    COD 7

    Oh and I just figured I would add to the gun speculation list FAMAS G1 SCAR-H/L prototype styer AUG A1 AKS-74U L86AX prototype H&K G3 Colt M1911 A1 .357 S&W magnum .44 magnum DESERT EAGLE prototype RPG-6 H&K MP5N1(cod 4 is the MP5N5) .......aircraft F14 tomcat F14 super tomcat F15 eagle...
  5. M

    COD 7

    If there is mortars then they BETTER bring back my absolute FAVORITE perk...........juggernaut :D
  6. M

    Features You Would Like To See.. [Post Here]

    He means 3 burst not three round burst I beleve
  7. M

    COD 7

    Oh and ps it wasn't called the remmington 870 back then it was still in R&D so it was the XM870
  8. M

    COD 7

    Hey look at it this way even if there are no semi auto rifles there's always the handguns :)
  9. M

    Would you guys recomend?

    Really guys nothing?
  10. M

    Im Back!!

    10th lobbies here I come!!!!
  11. M

    Custom Viking360 Constroller from East Seattle Electronics

    How much for a chrome XCM raven with 3.5 Jack?
  12. M

    Some mod ideas?

    Wow I knew hazer was an open sorce bigshot because I have seen his program utility but man he really took alot of his time to make open sorce coding to where it is now
  13. M

    ax 180's vs thors hammer?

    I think...THINK....that you used the mic port Many hours a day do you use your Viking? When did you buy the Viking? How long after your TBs broke did you get the AX180s? After your TBs broke did the controller work with a stock Microsoft mic?
  14. M

    Some mod ideas?

    can you link us to the acidmods post?
  15. M

    Viking360 Controllers in UK -

    ben what did you do to your site its sooo sexy and easy to navigate its like you and e made the viking and rapidcontrollers sites together!
  16. M

    Lets make Viking 360 more famous

    sure.....hey freek add me we can play together and PWN people
  17. M

    Tyr's hand or Thor's Hammer?

    try reading the product descriptions they should help you decide
  18. M

    PerfectQuickScope COD4?

    tons of people still play cod 2 and cod classic!