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  1. M


    ok thats another way but my PS3 xbox and my laptop dont auto update the IP so then i would need to change alot of personally F U C K getting a new IP address unless i need it
  2. M

    Controller Protection

    im one click away from buying these it a good or a bad idea?
  3. M


    ok you can go into the command prompt and change your ip but it will f u c k up your wifi(at least it did to mine)
  4. M


    Ok so if they do a fake name and email.....I.P address ban:)
  5. M

    Capture Card Questions

    i told you that but you where like Nooooo!
  6. M

    Odins Raven Red With Gold L.E.D For Sale

    i think we should leave this up so the people on here there are legit people out there
  7. M

    Best SPS to set for FAL

    the preset is slower....and you have asked this three times...i hate to sound like a d i c k but you really need to figure out a speed that works for you and stop spamming the forums with the same question
  8. M

    i dont know what to use!!

    try 27.40 it seems perfect
  9. M


    but those are usually a chatbox that anyone can post on....but on most of the chat boxes ive seen there is no spam...and they have an archive so the mods can go back and review for spam
  10. M

    i need help with paypal

    no im directly on
  11. M

    i need help with paypal

    ok so today i linked an american express giftcard and i got the online statement but i didnt get a confirmation code(I.E paypal 1234CODE) i got somting like 3435943434665MVVN(not real) can anyone help?
  12. M


    *nervous M1A1* i-i-inten-intensafire time?? but seriously im considering it :oops:
  13. M

    COD 7

    :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  14. M

    COD 7

    WRONG flamethrowers were only big in the pacific campaign during WWII
  15. M

    COD 7

    wrong the cold war went on for 5 decades from 46 to 91
  16. M

    Odins Raven Red With Gold L.E.D For Sale

    Re: Controller For sale wow 140 thats a steal
  17. M

    Right tactile stays on

    are you using the latest editor?
  18. M


    i understand but lets say your controller does what mine did and it is unfunctional i would have loved a chatbox(even though i figured it out right after i posted it)
  19. M


    no matt i dont code this site(odingalt does) but i do have some experience running a forum and coding HTML and phpBB forums