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  1. M

    how do you set up your class on COD 5

    m1a1 box mag // bandolier // jug/stopping power // steady aim i spray all day with viking
  2. M

    jitter mod

    ok if i dl the mode before i get my viking do i have to ask for the jitter mod or does it say (per user request) because someone already requested it im confused
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    wired controlers

    are the wired controllers even possible to mod even with tac switches?
  4. M

    10/16/2009 - New Circuit board!! Wireless 'CG2' pictures

    seriously how big is "bulk" :?: :?: :?: 500 seriously you guys are everywere everyone i know has one
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    idk i searched for viking battles for a school project and it came up with you guys but hell am i glad it did
  6. M

    Crownmods contracts through ?

    OR a twelve year old in his basement that orders viking chips in the 100s and installs them and clames them to be "origonal" :evil: :evil: VIKING FTW :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  7. M

    viking 360 vs evil controllers

    viking for shure you cant get free updates for evil controllers so you be the judge
  8. M

    Rechargable Battery Packs???

    what aftermarket ones i have the nyko(stand) charger would that work,whats the exact power usage thanks VIKINGxM1A1xFTW
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    Spartan laser

    no controllers undetectable while using spartan laser and no mod is undetectable
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    Rainbox Six Vegas 1

    yea if i get my odins raven i could test rsv1 codes for you if you want to talk about it more my gamertag is CoRRuPT iMPuLSe :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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    "Shakey Hands" Code for COD5

    but what if the shakey hands and fast reload where used together for the trench gun?? ;)
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    thanks irish i think im going to go with the raven but first i gotta get me parents to buy it..... :oops: LOL
  13. M


    ok i was planning on buying a viking but with the new names im confused whats the difference between the thors hammer and tyrs hand and what offers the best customization thanks :D
  14. M


    yo whats up guys im new to this forum so i figured i would say wassup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D