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  1. joec0x

    black ops 2 Mod Team

    bro lets play again, you went MIA on me
  2. joec0x

    Right stick issue

    ok so i made a video on my phone showing the issue but i cant upload it, give me a little bit to figure this out heres the video, not so good but i think it shows what im talking about i think this clearly shows its not a clibration issue and is a lack of space/ issue with things not being...
  3. joec0x

    Right stick issue

    thats what ive been trying to get him to do but everytime its brought up, he writes it off as a calibration issue or just the fact im using gtuner as unreliable. ill ask again in a ticket and wait for a reply on here. thanks you two for suggesting and trying to help me out. it means alot
  4. joec0x

    Right stick issue

    i PROMISE you its not the calibration, with everything i have in me. i thought about the filing thing because, i do in fact have the hydro dip hard wood shell, but dont want to have a big white spot where there was once paint/ whatever that is. the CM alt works but then is retarded, since i...
  5. joec0x

    Right stick issue

    you keep telling me that, i understand that gtuner isnt a Microsoft tool, but i dont think anything on here is either though, but we trust you and listen to you. i am a customer coming to you for help and possible solutions, not to cause problems. it doesnt take a program or software to see...
  6. joec0x

    Viking Forge Software Bug Report Thread

    ive been hsving weird things happen on the older firmware even, ive my chat turn off and back on, screeching then a power off, random movements like strafes and spazzy look arounds.
  7. joec0x

    Halo Runes?

    yes and it seems like the forums are dying off due to it, it kind of sucks in that sense
  8. joec0x

    Halo Runes?

    you should log into viking forge, everything youre looking for is in there
  9. joec0x

    Right stick issue

    youre wrong about it not mattering, in games like cod halo destiny and im sure others as well, it doesnt get the quick turn like it should. im strongly considering mailing back my controller and getting a refund because of it. even if it isnt vikings fault honestly looking at it in gtuner, it...
  10. joec0x

    Viking Forge Software Bug Report Thread

    why not try installing a password revealer extension for whatever browser you use, thats what i do for things like that
  11. joec0x

    Viking Forge Software Bug Report Thread

    unfortunately I do not :( but i see the improvements with everything else and i must say, great job! you never cease to impress. maybe a future update we could have multiple select on rune that we want to delete?
  12. joec0x

    Viking Forge Software Bug Report Thread

    is this my fault? or is the file messed up?
  13. joec0x

    Destiny Rune Pack

    the revised pack is only the sparrow and orbit so you know. also on the orbit rune, the Y button runs pretty long if you post screen caps of your runes id tinker with them myself so i dont bother you more lol
  14. joec0x

    Default Runes?

    Test runes, whatever the case may be. Its kind of like the default rapid fires they put on the viking. the beserker had the same deal, jitter and raipid fire im pretty sure even another member posted asking what they were. im not too sure. im just asking because where i loaded another rune and...
  15. joec0x

    Default Runes?

    Is there a way to get the runes that were shipped on the controller? As well as a description for what they are maybe too?
  16. joec0x

    Destiny Rune Pack

    can we not even edit runes that we download? thats lame could you make this again but move the orbit/ sparrow tacts to the bottom ones?
  17. joec0x

    Right stick issue

    i use gtuner software that is used with my cronusmax, i always check my macros since the viking because both my macros had bad sticks since the chip wasnt set right. i just hate to have to send my beserker back after a day of having it
  18. joec0x

    Right stick issue

    My right stick wont get 100% value to the left OR down , it gets to about 96 or so then is stopped. i play alot and this is a big issue. Literally just got my berserker in the mail yesterday and would hate to ship it back for repairs without even having used it yet
  19. joec0x

    Rune Question

    you were halfway right, i think my laptop is just a hunk o junk nowadays with so much stuff on it lol it works perfectly fine on my girlfriends computer. thank you for helping me out though! does the timeline work the same way still? im wanting to convert BO2 vkm/ vks since i have a cronus as well
  20. joec0x

    Rune Question

    exactly what i wanted thank you so much! lol but id also like to know how to do that if anyone could tell me thatd be great. it just resets my 1 click to the beginning