Search results

  1. modded matt

    Viking family, It don't have to be dead, communicate.

    Im still poking around waiting for something new. We had a massive malware attack at I just got situated and the site put back up. as Brian said, memory lane....
  2. modded matt

    website/email hosting (not spam)

    Most members know me. I own With the down turn of modding over the past year or two, we are doing our best to keep our site up as many other sites use our data for pics, tutorials, info, Etc. To do this, I need some help. I am looking for a couple people that have personal...
  3. modded matt

    WHERE ARE YOU VIKING ????????????????

    I like others are grateful for your service and time invested in the industry. All good things come to an end. I wish you success and happiness in whatever life brings your way.
  4. modded matt

    new controller shell question

    its not just a matter of changing out the shell. There is alot of added components inside there that are glued in place. Without proper knowledge of how the controller was assembled, you may end up with a pile of broken parts. There will be soldering involved...
  5. modded matt

    When Modding xboes gets old....

    Find something else to mod!!!
  6. modded matt

    WHERE ARE YOU VIKING ????????????????

    If it ever comes to that, I will host the forge on the Acidmods dedicated server.
  7. modded matt

    WHERE ARE YOU VIKING ????????????????

    Jets was a member just like the rest of us. He was not paid. neither are any of us. WE may be rewarded with some free chips or discounts...
  8. modded matt

    WHERE ARE YOU VIKING ????????????????

    This market is done. We have all lost money on the next gen consoles. What people dont understand or care is that the Berserker has twice as much tech and RND than any other controller on the market. It was never intended to come with a mod pack for each game, the intent was for gamers to do...
  9. modded matt

    How to Buy a Controller?

    The Macro controller was made exclusively for the xbox 360. They were discontinued with the birth of the xbox one. I have one macro and I believe I have one macro mod chip left in my stock if your interested. I believe you are looking for a Berserker controller for the XBox One. It is like a...
  10. modded matt

    How to make combos in fifa or pro evolution soccer 2016?

    If I had the game, I would love to.
  11. modded matt

    Xbox One S controller

    No, this is not the same as the white elite controller and its not a skin. The xbox one S controller has the textured grip of the elite and is white but on the inside, the only announced changes are that the wireless signal has bee improved and the new controller is also bluetooth. (an xbox...
  12. modded matt

    Black Ops 1 on XBOX One

    How can anyone in this day not have a computer?
  13. modded matt

    Controller software issues

    I would assume that windows 10 blocked the download cause it could not verify the SSL. you have to click the More option then click download anyway. (this all depends on your pc settings)
  14. modded matt

    Controller software issues

    There is nothing wrong with the download. What is your issue?
  15. modded matt

    Black Ops 1 on XBOX One

    Whats the question here? Do new members not understand that Viking does not produce macros or packs for each game? These are done by the members. Viking has given you the best tool available to create and share your own packs. Most of what I see shared is stuff made by me and Bone.... You can...
  16. modded matt

    Xbox 1 Berserker out of stock???

    Also note that if the custom options are a deal breaker, they can purchase the base controller then come to me for custom options.
  17. modded matt

    Problem with getting the Extra Buttons 1-4 to work.

    I do agree with you that this controller while awesome at what it does, doesn't make me a better player. It gives a slight advantage, but kids with great skill and reflexes can over bear that advantage. Its just part of getting old. I was soldering the USB connector for a custom Berserker last...
  18. modded matt

    Problem with getting the Extra Buttons 1-4 to work.

    To clarify your problem... One rune per group. you can set the group activation all the same so all the mods come on at once. (doing so would mean you only need to setup the LED indicator for the first group.) but they need to be in groups. Only one rune in the group can be active at once, but...
  19. modded matt

    Delete or Changer User Account or ID

    Hello, Odengalt is the Admin and will need to help you with this request. I am a mod but do not have the power to do so. You only have one post.... start a new account.
  20. modded matt

    XB1 Pro remap question

    What kit do you have? This is very straight forward.