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    Which XCM case looks the best?

    I am about to buy an XCM case but i can't decide on which one... my choices are between the smoke and the piano black cases. any opinions??
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    Does anyone know if the cheap intensafire mod is quality?
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    Custom painted sleeper

    heres my custom painted viking sleeper.
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    chrome case

    does anyone know where i can get the exact chomr case pictured on the thors hammer?
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    Spitting bullets

    today it seems like all my FAL is doing is jerking and spitting out bullets. i'm using the high rate of fire of the MW2 preset and just put in new batteries too. any suggestions?
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    Faster assault rifles

    Hey, on another website i have seen that with their mod, it allows for all the assault rifles (m16,FAMAS, M4, etc.) to shoot faster than normal with the mod on. i was wondering if the viking mods allows for the guns to shoot faster or is it only for semi auto guns?