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  1. Z

    FAL Mod Speeds

    Wow 27.40 is amazing i didnt believe it would work til i tried it and it rarely skips at all, great find!
  2. Z


    Yea if you have the extra money buy the Raven for sure the Tac Switches allow me to change through the 5 modes i frequently alter based on what class I choose, This way if you wanna go from a FAL mode to a sniper mode you dont gotta worry about it accidentally unsyncing get the Ravin for sure...
  3. Z

    Faster, custom speed?

    Rapidfire doesn't affect the m4 anyways because full auto guns don't shoot faster the faster you pull the trigger because they are programmed to shoot at a certain rate, However, you can use the rapidfire to slow down the speed it shoots creating less recoil which can be nice at times
  4. Z

    Faster, custom speed?

    You cant do anything you want because your limited by the limits the code sets in the game.... Shooting at that speed is worthless anyway because they will stutter terribly and be completely inaccurate....
  5. Z

    Features You Would Like To See.. [Post Here]

    A preset for a faster riot shield kill, it works like this: Do a melee attack with your riot shield then take out your equipment and right after switch weapons This makes it so that you pull out your equipment and put it away really fast canceling the slow melee animation of the riot shield and...
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    instant riot shield kill

    I think this would be pretty awesome if we could get a preset in the editor for this its very useful :D
  7. Z

    rapid fire setting

    Thats because you cant change the speed the Famas or M16 shoots becuase they are 3-burst guns...
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    Fire Cap

    13.8 for absolutely no studdering :D
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    Windows 7

    Nice OD I'm currently a junior in EE at Kansas State :D
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    Discussion Thread:Viking360 Preset Editor beta version 0.05

    Sounds awesome OD I can't wait! Don't apologize we know your working hard! Keep up the good work I'm excited to see the final product!
  11. Z

    MW2 Presets

    Heres Mine Left Tac 1. Custom Rapidfire (13.60sps = no studdering at all) 2. 3-Shot Burst Custom (14.00sps) 3. 5-Shot Burst Custom (14.00sps) 4. Jitter x,y,y (Fast) 5. Jitter y,y (Slow) 6. Sniper Mode 7. COD WaW Rapidfire Right Tac 1. Dropshot 2. Akimbo 3. Sniper Mode 4. Rapid Reload AA-12 5...
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    Asto A40

    My friend has them and the are awesome but i dont think they are worth the $290 i would just get the X11's
  13. Z

    Thors hammer

    You will be able to use it on WaW because it will have the all in one preset on it which works on WaW, However just take the time to flash your controller with the WaW custom presets so you get the rapid reloads as well, Also for WaW on the M1A1 i found out for me its best when using the...
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    Xbox headsets

    I know the retail is $250 so im curious how much hes selling them for as well, But then again im in the U.S. so the shipping would prolly not make it worth it lol
  15. Z

    Need Help! Viking360 Preset Editor Error

    Make sure you have all the .Net Frameworks installed and if redownloading doesnt work, Ill make the preset files you want and then you can just flash them like normal
  16. Z

    Why are you so against us that have a broken thumb stick

    See this is why the community here is so great, someone starts out unhappy seemingly complaining, Followed by good friendly responses solving the problem and even giving him something extra for free, Gotta love the V360 community :D
  17. Z

    I need some help and I have some questions.

    I agree the Raven makes changing modes so much easier, Especially if you want rapidfire on your main gun but then not on your secondary
  18. Z

    Discussion Thread:Viking360 Preset Editor beta version 0.05

    Not sure what game your playing but if its MW2 then set it to 13.80 its the fastest it will shoot without studdering
  19. Z

    Discussion Thread:Viking360 Preset Editor beta version 0.05

    Try using 13.80 Custom rapid fire for the FAL thats what i use and it works greats bro
  20. Z

    Tac switches

    You will get used to it dont worry lol i sure did