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  1. J

    Full Auto Weapon + Select Fire Rapidfire Speeds

    I use 10.3 as suggested by white 4nd destroy. It works well with the g36c
  2. J

    zombie mode - does it work in other modes?

    Hey all, I wanna test zombie mode when i'm home again. But I was wondering if this mode also works in other modes like survival in mw3 (special ops). Would be awesome if it did. But basically all it does is auto-aim for you right? Or did I miss some other features of zombie mode?
  3. J

    Am I doing something wrong

    I found out that using a comma or a point (depending on your keyboard lay-out and program itself) can give the 255 problem. I can't remember wether it's comma or point I use though
  4. J

    The All-in-One MW3 Ragnarok USB Thread

    I have been doing some calculations yesterday. Going to test them in the following days. Does someone happen to have a good speed setting to gain more accuracy, less recoil for smg's?
  5. J

    Black Ops II USB Controller Settings

    I basically created a setting for each rifle in mw3. Tried with overall settings before tough. But the results were slightly better with sniper specific settings. Less difference in handling and timing if you play with multiple snipers.
  6. J

    Anti Recoil for the ACR

    Lol just gave it a try. Its beast xo. I think i found myself a new favorite. Tnx again
  7. J

    Anti Recoil for the ACR

    Does it matter what setup you choose with the g36c to have 0 recoil? Or doesn't it matter if you choose stability, kick, focus etc
  8. J

    Cornus X cross platform usb adapter!

    Sounds awesome but yet as you said a bit unfair :p. When your able to play with a keyboard and mouse and you are a decent pc gamer then you will have a big advantage when facing most of the people using standard ps3 controllers :p. Is it a good add-on to use with the programmable ps3 ragnarok?
  9. J

    Anti recoil??

    Thanks i also added it at my other thread
  10. J

    The All-in-One MW3 Ragnarok USB Thread

    I will dig into the forums tomorrow provably in the afternoon. I'll try to get this thread as completely as possible the next few days
  11. J

    The All-in-One MW3 Ragnarok USB Thread

    I'm sorry i was focused too much on the topic itself and didnt even notice that i posted it in this section. Can it be moved please?
  12. J

    The All-in-One MW3 Ragnarok USB Thread

    Hey Guys, My name is jochem luytens but most people call me Jochemke so you can all do the same and call me that way ;). I'm quite new here but very familiar with modded controllers. Tested a lot of other ps3 controllers but none so far can beat, or follow viking360's controllers. So to...
  13. J

    Anti Recoil for the ACR

    I'm curiuos for this myself. Probably in a few days i'll start experimenting with the guns
  14. J

    custom thumbsticks

    I follow CovertClay, I have a pair of kontrolfreeks myself. However I got the elite one instead of the cqc love to use them though since I hear everyone prefers the cqc set above the other types.
  15. J

    Software for iMac????

    I've been using parallels desktop, vmware, virtualbox(really easy) and winebottler much easier for me than bootcamp. Solutions enough for people who use a mac/imac. So i would vote for leaving the mac version out and rather making a specific requested/new feature :).
  16. J

    Rapid fire help!!

    So the speed settings can be slightly different for offline and online games due to your connection? If that's true, i'll be sure to remember that one.
  17. J

    New to Viking forums

    I've been using a whole bunch of modded controllers so far (well basically tested many of them together with friends). Not a single person of my group received a ban for using any of those mods. Offtopic: btw the viking controller really stand out on the other products from different...
  18. J

    Quick reload help!!!!!

    Do you have a table of speeds? If so, is it possible to get it? It could be helpful for the thing i've send you a pm message for.
  19. J

    AN 94 question..

    I'm waiting for my controller to arrive here though but I'll try to help you. Basically you could try to set the shots per second so high that it bypasses the regular firing rate so that it will look like its firing like the first 2 bullets. However i think (correct me if i'm wrong) that...
  20. J

    Anti recoil??

    And do you happen to know the speed setting for this trick?