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  1. S

    What Happened To The Titanfall Shell (Xbox One Berserker)?

    So I was just about to make my pre-order for the Berserker (finally have the money as I missed out the first time round), but can't seem to find the Titanfall Shell as an option for the controller (I believe I saw it yesterday though). Just wanted to ask, is this option still available (i.e...
  2. S

    Competitive Macros - Jump and Drop Shot etc...

    Hey Guys :D So, the RF macros we have here on V360 are great, but in some game-modes/maps, you're sadly forced to carry an SMG (i.e. either Hardpoint or on the smaller maps for example) and being able to jump/drop shot with them is a great. However, I suck at pressing the buttons quickly...
  3. S

    Reassigning Macros to RT From Tacs...

    I've recently started playing Hardcore a lot, and the .57 pistol is a beast in this game-mode. I use two RF Macros for the single .57 pistol (see below), but I have to assign them to a tac switch. Is there a way to assign them to the RT button instead (as it makes it easier to shoot)? I've tried...
  4. S

    Noobish VKS/VKM Question

    Is there any way to save an individual macro (i.e. a VKM) from a macro-set (i.e. a VKS)? So for example, say you have a VKS with 5 pages, but you only want to use 1 of the pages on your controller. Is it possible to save the macros on that particular page individually (I've tried clicking on the...
  5. S

    Jump & Drop Shot Macro For Fal (Semi-Auto)

    Guys, I was wondering if it would be possible to have a Jump + Drop Shot macro for the Fal (assigned to a tac switch)? I currently use the RF macro that NYJets made for the gun, but in terms of finding a Jump & Drop Shot macro, I've only been able to find them for full-auto weapons (which the...
  6. S

    AN-94 Rapidfire Macro?

    Would it be possible for a rapidfire macro on the AN-94, which fires at the speed of the first two-bullets (which are faster than the rest of the bullets in the clip), or is there already a rapidfire macro which fires at an even faster rate for the gun? Thanks :D
  7. S

    Auto Burst Macros?

    Just a quick question, are there any macros which allow for burst weapons - specifically say for the M8A1 and SWAT - to be fired as automatic weapons essentially (by reducing the pause time between bursts)? Moreover, in your experiences, do these two weapons tend to be more dangerous/high...