4th perk replaces.......?

Does the 4th injected perk go in a designated area or can you choose what to replace? Can you change the 4th perk whenever after it's been injected? Are the effects permanent?


New Member
LiOnHeArT24 said:
Does the 4th injected perk go in a designated area or can you choose what to replace? Can you change the 4th perk whenever after it's been injected? Are the effects permanent?

Hasn't this been patched? Before it was patched, it was usually either the primary grenade, secondary grenade, or deathstreak.
Ohh I was asking cuz I was looking at some websites that where offering it! Is it possible that they bypassed the patched if it was patched?


New Member
Some sites are offering 4 perks & 3 guns, but its only until you go back to dashboard or switch console off/on and its gone, be patient they will eventually find away of by-passing the up-date..


The perk ussually replaces secondary, and the gun equipment. But I beleive the one man ary would replace the equipment, because it replaces a weapon.


New Member
patched do not beleive anyone who says they can give you 4 perks at the start of every game the new patch file does a isvalid check on all guns etc etc if they dont fit into the isvalid section say a primary for secondary they are modded classes and will be replaced with a usp or m4a1....still works on jtag and during jtag lobby with a checks removed patch file only..your classes will still look modded but when you join xbl game they will be missing once game starts...you can copycat them with a friend for laughs they will work then until you die..