ronnie09 said:
first off it seems a nice idea im sure for some games like combo fighting moves it might be very usefull like mortal kombat maybe ufc i dont know tho never played ufc .
That's the idea. There are literally over a hundred mod shops and sellers out there who have xbox 360 modded controllers, but all of them just do rapidfire. We wanted to do something more than just plain old rapidfire, for people out there who play something other than first person shooters. But at the same time we're expanding the usefulness of this beast in first person shooters.
ronnie09 said:
anyway i notice there is 6 tact switches and im sure theres a hell of a lot more wires. surely this has got to have a higher chance of breaking down ?
On the contrary, the new install is mostly solderless. We've done away with the difficult install from the old legacy purple modchip - that install required us to scrape back or use sandpaper to expose the circuit board's copper traces, then we had to solder 30 AWG wire jumpers directly onto the traces - a VERY delicate task. Most reliability problems revolved around those jumpers coming off the trace during shipping. Most of our returns would happen within the first week, from a jumper coming off during USPS transport.
Anyway, on the new modchip, you've got wires for the six tactile switches, two wires for the LED add-on board, two wires for the USB upload/download feature, and one more wire that jumpers to the left stick press. All the other buttons, joysticks and trigger connections are made solderlessly.
ronnie09 said:
also how much use is macro gonna be when you play a game where every kill is different where u have to react differently everytime?
Doesn't sound like a macro recording controller will be very useful if the moves are random. I'm thinking of the Madden fumble recovery, where you have to turbo different buttons. In that case, you could assign X,Y,B,A turbo buttons to four different tac switches. Then you're just playing a game of simon-says, but without having to wreck your fingers jamming down on the buttons fast.
ronnie09 said:
just wondering really id like to see some videos in the future see how people get along with them
hope it works out
Will have a lot more videos in about one month's time once we get the software into the people's hands, get the products shipped, and after we roll out a software update (we already have a software updated planned for about 1-2 weeks after launch, need to add more features to the software already based on a lot of input from here in the forums)