A few questions before i order


New Member
I have scanned the instructions a few times.

Can you have 2 modes on at the same time Ie Burst fire and akimbo
Can i have 3 modes on Burst fire Akimbo Dropshot
On burst firing it says its sps is set to what you have rapid fire set to if i have lets say 5 different sps save how would i select the one i want to use in burst mode
This is what i am a lil confused on I just want a lil more info before i place my order

Thx for taking the time to read this
I still have my odins raven and im loving it but all my friends play on ps3 i need the upper hand as im new to that console lol

Anyone have the answers Hello out in viking land lol
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ModdingBros Representative
yes u can i run like up to six modes at a time and probably even more. I run auto-sprint, turbo knife, drop shot, rapid fire and fast reload. There are even different tactical layouts to choose from if you prefer using different controls than default. U probably already know about the free software updates as well and with only one tact switch switching classes on the fly is super fast and easy. Defiantly worth it.


ModdingBros Representative
u can just switch to the rapid fire class u want and when your in that class that's the sps you will have on burst fire. there are 10 classes u can customize to any sps so whatever class u choose say your in mode 4 and its 11.7 sps when u turn on burst fire that's what it will be if u don't like that class just hold the tact then hit R1 and go to the next sps.


ModdingBros Leader
Hey Brian I dont know any of this PS3 stuff so I just want to thank you for answering the PS3 questions for me. You have been pretty helpful!


New Member
Thx odingalt ive been on board for a bit i ordered the odin a month before the viking macro dropped. I kicked myself in the teeth would have loved a macro but couldnt afford it. I cant wait to play with myy new controller just have to wait to get the cash.